The BBC is a brilliant maker of successful television and it is a respected brand all over the world.
It’s main problem is that it is not independent of the UK Government, and it is commercially hampered by both the slow (and ineptitude) of its governance, and the blatant un-business friendly of the politicians overseeing it.
The BBC can be a world player in the manufacture of quality entertainment - but not as long as the politicians are involved. It needs the best in television and film talent to come and help the BBC to reach its potential - but they are never going to come as long as stupid politicians are involved, an the business is not run commercially and profitably.
Sadly, the noises coming from the Department of Cummings is not about making the BBC a world class global enterprise and profitable, and not a drain on taxes, but instead Cummings and Co., still want to be able to interfere and dictate (and hamper) the BBC, but do not want the stigma of it being a tax.
The BBC will never be independent, because politicians (of all colours) need the BBC to be shackled to them, otherwise no one will take any notice of them.
The BBC has huge potential, but sadly it will never be realised because the politicians will never give it the freedom to thrive.