It's a difficult situation. They advise getting out in the fresh air expecting everyone to be a distance from everyone else, then gets surprised and upset when everyone takes the advice, all choose the same locations and inadvertently meet up. They have to cope with panic buying emptying shelves which limit what can be bought, and end up making it inevitable folk have to shop every day or so, meeting loads of people in the process. Pubs and restaurants are reasonably asked to close, yet this ensures folk have to foid shop for themselves. There seems no winning flawless solutions and the actions of the crowd inevitably move towards self interest as more and more get fed up of tolerating the situation caused by those with no social conscience, and thus join in with buying everything available. Truth be known, all countries should have stopped inter-nation travel from the start and thus stopped the spread across the globe, keeping it in China where it would have quickly died out. Didn't hapoen. Now 80% are expected to get infected regardless how well or badly they behave. I think the government is probably trying the best strategy of spreading infection rates out over a longer period. Little much else can be achieved, although any ideas on how to get stores restocked would be useful. I doubt caravan park closure would help much. Folk were told to get out to stop being stir crazy, and now that's wrong too.