Well next week, end of April Matt will be telling us that we have reached 100.000, yes a 100.000 applications, and the latter must have happened in the first few hours, hence now not available. :0)
Danny - my point is that yet again Gov.uk has yet again failed to deliver on its promises (think PPE, testing etc etc). Hence my comment about not being able to organise a booze-up in a brewery.
In case you can't do/read links diddly, this is an extract from ubasses's link
"Meanwhile, millions of essential workers – from teachers to supermarket staff – are now able to book coronavirus tests online, as the Government scrambles to meet its 100,000-a-day target by next Thursday. However, the site has now stopped accepting applications , following a message on the official website suggesting home tests had run out for the day."
Diddly, have you any idea how many people have applied for these tests? Please do stop clutching at straws, you are making yourself seem desperate to justify your OP.
The plan will be to issue only the number of tests they can process in the labs. Once that has been achieved they quite rightly stop taking more tests. I'm assuming they can't leave samples standing around for too long
When supply (40000 available slots a day) exceeded demand (20000 a day ) at the test centres there was criticism. When demand exceeds supply on the first day for this service there was criticism. Things will settle down quickly and with the mix of testing routes being extended by the army's pop-up centres it will be easier to match demand and supply