Thank you for posting this link, I would never have seen the article otherwise. Very refreshing, and un-British, in the insistence on facing forward rather than backward. But in the sentence "....a hierarchy that was always somewhat, if not entirely, based on race....." she might also have included class (Us-and-Them in every shape and form).
Would not one day a year with several days of poppyfest leading up to it be quite enough for those who want to beat their chests to underline their ownership of the "glory", and to wallow in "sorrow" at the risk of forgetting mankind's past efforts at self-destruction ? And let's not forget how it was "them" and their likes (yes, they're the baddies to this day and we are the goodies with the entitlement that goes with it) who are to blame. Do we really have to have several days a year dedicated to this plus detailed freshly assembled/edited material on the media more or less every week referring to some aspect of some war ?
"BTW - I'm very patriotic and in no way "anti-British" " - err you just demonstrated the opposite! usual anti British cobras from a guardian luvvie and the diddly laps it up. The irony is that those tey hate provide the conditions for them to hate us.
// i will spend the day remembering those who fought and died so that we have democracy and freedom.//
and the countries of eastern europe ( e germany, roumania, Jug, Bulg, Poland Hungary Czech, have I missed any out (*) ) didnt - stalin for another 50 y
(*) oh the four stans ( kyrg taj kaz) byelo - ukr )
which may have coloured their views
thank you for the advice Naomi - no veiled threats please
we are here to look forward into the future which beckons and not to mull over imagined slights - real or passing....
Hey - Hungarian occupation by the Russians for fifty years was nt exactly slight was it?
Hey I was in a taxi in Budapest on 9 / 11. we discussed on the way (!) how stalin overstayed for fifty y and it was better than 500 of Turkish occupation. Betrayal of Yalta. Do you remember the grizzling and squawking amongst the usual suspect when I mentioned Yalta (one betrayal of) for the first time ?
What do people expect to see in a rag like the Grauniad !?...
Left wing garbage......We did win the war...I couldnt give a toss what Germans think....they should have thought long and hard before they began it of the consequences of losing it....
The consequences if we hadnt won are hard to imagine and your worst nightmares come true
Unfortunately they still have ambitions to conquer and rule Europe so didnt learn enough of a lesson...
//"I wonder what Germans think about these UK "celebrations"."//
When we were living in Germany in the 80s there was some commemoration event happening and one of our friends commented that it was time to let it go. The German friends were totally against letting it go, we need to remember to ensure it never happens again according to them.
I had the Red Arrows fly over a couple of hours ago!!
Zebo,we need to keep on reminding the Germans that they are still the only country in the world that started the only two world wars that have ever been.Merkel and co. are still in all "forgive and forget"mode.No chance.
My grandad was a POW. He suffered terribly but never talked about it afterwards. I only knew when I saw his handwritten notes in a hymn book.
This morning I thought about he and his comrades’ suffering and blubbed like a toddler. I’ll spend the rest of my time thinking of him as I knew and loved him.
"Thanks to Covid at least we're being spared the military marches today."
what have you got against military marches, are you ashamed of our military, or is just an afterthought that you forgot to include in your original troll post