Lol Danny, Didn't Bradford City Police uphold the law then and do traffic stops. These Met officers, in the links provided, were assaulted seriously for performing their duty.They are dealing with people who are willing to kill to avoid a ticket for No Insurance!!!
For the record this incident is in the Greater Manchester Police juristriction and not the Met.
This incident had obviously been running for a while before the start of the video as the officer on the left already has the taser in his hand when it starts.
That is when any warnings would have been given.
By continuing with his behaviour, especially the attempted headbutt, the 'suspect' has only himself to blame for being tasered.
No piggynose. We do not need a repetition of Taser use by the police.
Until c ertain elements realise they are not above the laws of this land and fail to comply with lawful instructions then this will continue to happen.The ball is in the court of the wrongdoers. I am sure the officers don't need a suspension from duty or the extra paperwork justifying their actions.
One can only speculate how this 'gentleman' would react when requested,by a young exhausted nurse, to take his turn in the queue in A&E after a drink fuelled night.
Hums,'I fought the law and the law won'
LCG I'm not in an uproar, just hearing an innocent child screaming 'daddy 'daddy' is very upsetting to me, even if his daddy is a D head, the child is innocent.
I do not know the full details but:
When are the British public going to learn to obey authority and then if necessary complain to the appropriate authorities later?
He is lucky that I wasn't the investigating officer as, if the child didn't calm down, I would have tasered the child as well.........then he would have something to complain about.
windy that was exactly what I thought. That poor little boy - What his home life must be like, yet he still cries for his daddy, it breaks my heart things like that.
I hope that's either a joke or just trolling Sqad, because if you're serious about tasering a kid of three or four years o!d, you ought to be repeatedly tasered yourself until it zaps some sense into you.