This may help those who want a bit more clarity on counting methods.
eg -The Netherlands only includes patients who tested positive for the disease and who died in the hospital.
- Belgium , however, takes the broadest possible approach, as it measures coronavirus deaths to include probable cases where there were COVID-19-like symptoms present.
-France records all those linked to Covid
- Germany, Italy, Spain record all settings but only those with a positive test
-UK -As of April 29, the figures also include deaths in all settings where there's a positive COVID-19 test, for example, in care homes.
It's not easy to compare them. There may still be under-recording too if the excess death figures are anything to go by. The % of excess deaths accounted for by Covid range from 48% in Italy and Holland , 67% in Spain, 71% in England to around 90% in France, Belgium and Sweden.
It's clear from some posts on here that there are differences in understanding as to how we count Covid deaths for the Daily Briefings in this country, and there may be even less understanding of how other countries count theirs