Soo many different figures going around. I'm beginning to wonder if there has been a slight over-reaction. I read that a team in Oxford say that the virus is not an epidemic in Britain, with a tiny %age infected. Royal Collage of G.Ps. has figures suggesting fewer than 0.24% of adults have the virus. An epidemic needs 40+ per 10,000 and current figures suggest it is between 3 and 24 per 10,000. (I'm just giving you what I think seem to be reliable published figures.)
Radio 4 had a discussion (may have been on 'More or Less', but I'm not sure, which I find interesting, although not a mathematician) which basically seemed to agree that everything was based on guesswork and that some modelling didn't stand up to examination.
Are we witnessing a media-enhanced epidemic possibly? Just a question and I know that people are dying and it is horrible - but one doctor was estimating that 20,000 extra cancer patients will die this year (who would have survived) because their treatment has been postponed or not begun. Same with other life-threatening diseases.
It's just food for thought.