Tomus42 @ 7;42. Do you not believe that Cummings had any say in the Government's response to the medical and scientific advice?
Had this been a Labour/Libdem Party advisor, the 'Blue Corner' would have been all over this like flies on you know what. And quite rightly, imho. So Cummings deserves all the flak he is getting, again imho, though I doubt it will have him losing any sleep.
// Hello ... commy dave here :) trot firebrand, unreconstructed marxist liberator ! - - - - - Cummings is a ghastly self-serving little sh.//
hello petey the ponce here, and Cummings is a ghastly self-serving little sh.
so I am not sure if it is political. The quezzie should have been wiv The CMO and bean counter ( The Ferge and the Nicola Sturgeon look-alike) - can they run the country or make a difference
However - if you bofe have corona and have two kids
I can see why you call on the parents ( like you know - call on!) to assist.
as for politicians being two faced - you to look no further than no 10 or 1600 Pennsylvania av for wunna dem - actually quite a few of them
Just shows that the lockdown isn't necessary. He's not the first to do it. Doesn't think it's needed, obviously. So halt the lockdown and let everyone get back to norma.l
Doesn't show that the lockdown is unnecessary, 10C. It shows that those who help make the rules believe they are above them. In my most humble and honest opinion, of course.
There's lots of weedy people around, isn't there? The lockdown isn't/wasn't necessary. I'll have to expand on that, but not yet. Lots to say. And of course, you all know I'll be 100% correct. ;o)
He's certainly no Hooray Henry, bobbi, and he's a very clever man.
I'd suggest you watch some of his speeches.
Same goes for all the Left wingers on here. You will be rather surprised, I think.
Well I can see 10CS' point, it doesn't mean they thought they were above the rules but more they thought the rules were unnecessary. I do think some in the government have enjoyed the power trip of telling the nation what to do, often based on conflicting and changing scientific advice.
Rules are for us little people. The high and mighty of parliament square don't see the need to abide by the recommendations they make to us. It's a minor miracle that only Boris came down with C-19. Some may say it's a shame a couple more didn't get ill, it may have been a wake-up call.
//Rules are for us little people. The high and mighty of parliament square don't see the need to abide by the recommendations they make to us.//
There are plenty of little people ignoring the rules too. Hypocrisy and arrogance isn't restricted to the high and mighty. He should be treated the same as they would be. I've got to honest and say I wouldn't particularly care if he was sacked though.
Ah well, 10cs seems to have changed tack. He originally thought the Govt had deliberately let the virus thread so that the rich became richer (quite how this works, he didn’t explain; to quote him ‘The decision to force people away from work and their regular lives is the first step on the road to creating a society that will be greatly appreciated by the upper classes’).
Now he seems to think that the lockdown wasn’t necessary. Strange, eh!