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I'll Just Leave This Here

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douglas9401 | 21:18 Fri 22nd May 2020 | News
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Sunny-dave, earning your good opinion is neither here nor there to me. I've no idea of the options that may have been available to him, but in those circumstances my children would be my priority - and frankly I think that most parents would rather their children be with grandparents than with anyone else - so perhaps, in his estimation, his journey was essential. It would have been to me.
Oh, and the other final point is that it should be pretty clear that, unless there is something you aren't telling us, your husband is unlikely to be a public figure responsible for drafting the very rules that have been, or appear to have been, broken. Perception counts for a lot, and it's natural and correct that those who set the rules have to take into consideration not just what they do but how it will be perceived. When Prof. Ferguson had his lover visit him, then the question of how it looks for the person whose advice and research played a huge part in leading the government to effectively outlaw such meetings is hugely relevant and should have formed a part of his thinking, even if on a personal level no harm may have been done.
I think he just got bored of seeing her on AB all the time, and came up with a plan. :0)
has anyone asked - if he was that ill how did he drive
and did he stop for petters?

but I dont think he has to resign
I mean people say really Jack-oss stupid things again and again on AB and no one seems to read them let along understand them ....
I'm with sunny dave. Imposing rules on everyone else when you're not prepared to obey them yourself isn't a good look - I believe "hypocrisy" is the term generally used.
So Naomi ... it's worth risking infecting/killing your parents in order to save your children from a mild infection and possible needing to be cared for by a nanny ... an interestingly eugenic choice ...

I'll Just Leave This Here
Jim, //When Prof. Ferguson had his lover visit him..//

Are you seriously comparing the welfare of children to that? Seriously?

Teacake, okay, turn the stopcock off - then what? No water. Back to the drawing board, teacake. Try again.
This thread is more now to do with Naomi not wanting to admit she's got it wrong, like always, and will argue the toss for the next 2/3 days and nights. :))))
12.30 Wait for a plumber.
Ha ha ha ha..

teacake44 - you're the queen of naughtiness.

See how far you can keep it going.

Will check back later.

Best of luck!
Yes, I seriously am. In both cases senior officials broke the rules that they had played a large part in creating. In both cases it is hypocrisy. The motive in one may have been particularly shallow but hypocrisy it remains.

Also, as Cummings was no doubt aware, the risk to children from Covid-19 is extremely low; the risk to his parents not so low. As has been further pointed out, if you are healthy enough to drive across the country and back then you're probably healthy enough to provide at least some semblance of care to your children without putting your parents at risk.

The fact that you would have done or thought similar in his position only means that you have the same low regard for the rules. It doesn't serve as a defence.
sunny-dave, //to save your children from a mild infection//

Who said that? That's not the point I'm making at all - but don't let that deter you.
Plumbers not working, teacake. She tried that. Try again.
12.36 key workers!!
//if you are healthy enough to drive across the country and back then you're probably healthy enough to provide at least some semblance of care to your children without putting your parents at risk. //

Until your health deteriorates....
He has to go.

I can't imagine anyone thinking that taking children who might be infected to their grandparents would be a good idea, even if they lived around the corner.
None here teacake. We should have asked you.
Then find an alternative solution that doesn't involve driving the length of the country and breaking the rules you helped create. It's a nonsense to pretend that such a solution doesn't exist. Friends, neighbours, some other more local service.

If the rules you have drafted proscribe a certain action then you don't take that action. It is not difficult.
I think you just made that up, or that's what he told you. I think he will be out again later with his plumbing kit.
If he goes again make dam sure he's goes some PPE. :0)))))))))))))

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