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Im A Tory,But....

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ynnafymmi | 21:41 Wed 27th May 2020 | News
63 Answers
I have enough of this nonsense,is Cummings still in a job?People i work with wonder why i still stick around with these lying disfunctional Tories.Either Cummings goes or Bojo goes or i go,and i might take one or two of my sympathisers with me.Enough.


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Think if Boris does hangs on to Cummings of which there is no Doubt he will. Then it could eventually play into Sir Kier Starmers hands. Cummings could be an asset to Labour Party . Similar to Corbyn making the Con Party popular at the last G/E. ...... Hope he keeps him.
19:04 Thu 28th May 2020 one 100% agrees with their party and/or indeed the leader but we do not do our laundry in public.
It's just a made up controversy, shedman. Made up by Remain losers who think they might get their own way without Cummings outsmarting them. If Boris caves on this, they think they'll force him to cave to all their (elite) demands.
I just think that if Boris had answered the questions he has been asked fully then we would not have had all this. He has given everyone ammuninition and this in turn is taking time away from getting on with the things that should be getting the time.
Tora: Hopefully you've not been waiting all night for an answer about a potential snap election. These are weird times. An 80 seat majority is a challenge, but if there was a mass exodus of Con Mp's from their Party then would this not prompt a no confidence vote? I'm not a particularly political person neither a loonie Left nor a canting Con, but people I know who are staunch Tories are embarrassed and at the same time furious at the way this government have mislead the Public.
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I am a Thatcherite Lib/Dem voting Tory,if that makes any sense.
No.. Well about as much sense as a right of centre Corbynista
08.57,Once again TTT is spouting his usual load of Slander , because everyone on here does not share his views. I never ever wanted to see Corbyn in No 10,
"Perish the thought". Now if TTT had said that, I want to see Sir Kier Starmer
in No 10 , which no doubt will happen at the next G/E whenever that might be.
In that case TTT would have been Spot On.
ynna: no that makes no sense.
APG:"Tora: Hopefully you've not been waiting all night for an answer about a potential snap election." - correct
"These are weird times. An 80 seat majority is a challenge, but if there was a mass exodus of Con Mp's from their Party then would this not prompt a no confidence vote?" - an actual exodus, perhaps but this is just one minor issue, not going to cause a crossing of the floor. I'm sure the Tory detractors would not want to risk their seats for what is basically a non issue.
"I'm not a particularly political person neither a loonie Left nor a canting Con, but people I know who are staunch Tories are embarrassed and at the same time furious at the way this government have mislead the Public. " - embarrassed, furious, etc, no doubt but when all said and done would they want a GE etc on the strength of one non issue? That really is giving the media power beyond their calling.
gulliver: "I never ever wanted to see Corbyn in No 10, " ok , so who?
Gully at the last election, SKS was not leader, so if you didn't want Boris and didn't want Cob, who did you want? It's a fair question.
Although the Nightmare of TTTs Agent Cob is now diminishing, He now has a bigger threat. That of Agent Dom. Who will slowly but surely destroy the Tory Party, from the inside . Yes inside,...........Inside No 10.
gully have a go at answering my question at 10:23
Gulliver,it has been widely reported in the press that Cummings intends to resign in 6 months.
10.23 not very good at spinning either , are you TTT.
so why won't you tell me who you wanted to win the 2015 GE? Is it so embarrassing?
10.37, ......... 2015......? Eh!
2019. Who did you want to win? We know it wasn't the Tories. And now you say ""I never ever wanted to see Corbyn in No 10, "
// embarrassed, furious, etc, no doubt but when all said and done would they want a GE etc on the strength of one non issue? //

At Political mass exodus could potentially come from lack of confidence in the Government as a whole -all the dithering, half-truths, slights of hand and excuses for everything connected to the covid-19 outbreak. DC is merely playing a minor role along with the other 'do as I say not what I do' Tories.
// Corbyn lost the plot, don,t think so. He has just smashed the Tory majority,caused a hung parliament,snatched the seat of Kensington from them, and is now six points ahead of the tories, and if an election was called now he would probably win //
gulliver1 15:31 Sun 11th Jun 2017

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