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The Cummings Effect

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diddlydo | 05:35 Thu 28th May 2020 | News
91 Answers
Our daughter has hitherto refused to meet my husband and me together because "It's against the rules". She is now incandescent with rage about Cummings and is now prepared to bend the rules. is this the effect that DC and Boris want?


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"You need to stop banging on about Cumming...sounds like you're a hypocrite."

if only that were as far as it went.....
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ozzy, no need I am well acquainted with the AB disciplinary procedures!
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I honestly don't understand the mentality of people that suggest because someone has got away with something that it's perfectly alright for everyone else to do it. It seems incredibly childish to me. And I don't really care that it's a government adviser that did it.
Awwww. Gawd.
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Some of us are not convinced by Cummings explanation and disapprove of his choice of course of action, but that's no reason for others to put the health of themselves and others at risk.
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So why do so many of you appear to be defending him?
Pointing out the hysterical....sorry, incandescent, overreaction implicit in your OP doesn't not mean than anyone is comfortable or accepting of DC's actions or explanations.

Would you similarly blame DC if you, your daughter or husband gave one another CV19 during your bending-of-the-rules-meeting?

I think you need to select a different stick with which to start beating the Conservative government.
I don't know. Maybe because the police didn't think he should be charged. Maybe because they accept he didn't break any rules- he just bent them or interpreted them in a way that suited him. But that topic has been done to death. To break the rules and endanger friends and family because you perceive Agent Dom did is silly
Diddly, you’re obsessed!
Diddly knows what gets a reaction on here, that’s all. You know what children are like once they find somthing that annoys the grown ups.
The more I read these posts the more I am convinced that Naomi is married to TTT??
I. Don’t. Think. So.
maggiebee....I need brain bleach after that suggestion :)
incandescence has become a flicker...
a wink of rage
a mere twitch
have I missed anything interesting ?

or has the interesting stuff gone down the barg?

//I honestly don't understand the mentality of people that suggest because someone has got away with something that it's perfectly alright for everyone else to do it. //

NJ demolished that as a legal defence a few says ago ( never accepted) . But as a rule or way of behaving - it is OK,
Mrs do-as I-tell-you and not as I do

I was wondering wiv track and trace if they said self-isolate
and you ask - "what, in the Dom Cummings sense or actually?"

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