News1 min ago
Utter Lunacy 60 Statues To Go
BLM have targeted 60 Statues and Plaques. Their choices are bizzare. Will we now have black stabbing victims picking and choosing what hospitals save their lives. They apparently now don't appreciate Guy's hospital. I am sure Guys didn't turn them away when they were bleeding to death.
Arms manufacture and Engineer Armstrong. Obviously BLM would have sooner lived under a Nazi regime. Armstrong Company manufactured the Armstrong Whiteley Bomber in the 2nd W.W.
Horatio Nelson, Drake et al. It has to stop. Full list in Link
https:/ /metro. 020/06/ 09/hit- list-ra cist-st atues-b lack-li ves-mat ter-pro testers -want-p ulling- 1282724 9/?ico= pushly- notifca tion-sm all& ;utm_so urce=pu shly
Arms manufacture and Engineer Armstrong. Obviously BLM would have sooner lived under a Nazi regime. Armstrong Company manufactured the Armstrong Whiteley Bomber in the 2nd W.W.
Horatio Nelson, Drake et al. It has to stop. Full list in Link
Gherkin: 'However, those who are retaliating to the aggressive police presence,' I don't know what you were watching but I saw a bunch of coppers being commendably restrained in the face of extreme provocation. Copers who weren't allowed to wear beat helmets which might have offered some protection. Coppers who weren't allowed to wear crash helmets and...
14:19 Wed 10th Jun 2020
mozz, we have established that whites have also died in police custody, because they were criminal lowlife scum resisting arrest there skin colour is irrelevant. In the cases I highlight above they were murdered because of their race and no other reason. The Hutu Slaughter of Tutsis must surely rank as purely racist, even to the lefty apologists trying to make excuses for a brutal career criminal.
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The problem is to me Gherkins, is that it's nigh on impossible to tell apart the genuine protesters from the slathering, looting mob.
At a fundamental level, I agree with, and support the cause of racial equality and have been dismayed how, over the last few days, AB has been transformed into something akin to a National Front supporters meeting, but these looting mobs couldn't give an eff about BLM, they're out to line their own pockets. Can't you see how their actions are poisoning people against BLM?
At a fundamental level, I agree with, and support the cause of racial equality and have been dismayed how, over the last few days, AB has been transformed into something akin to a National Front supporters meeting, but these looting mobs couldn't give an eff about BLM, they're out to line their own pockets. Can't you see how their actions are poisoning people against BLM?
Ttt, this isn't about just the odd incident. They are all inexcusable. This is about systemic racism, which you don't even seem to recognise exists. This is why, and I don't ever advocate violence, except maybe self-defence, that for all these centuries, those with the power to change things, haven't bothered. So, sometimes, a bigger fuss needs to be made, because nobody is listening.
"Can't you see how their actions are poisoning people against BLM?"
I think most people who had an education as a child would understand that there are people out there trying to be heard, and that there are people out there using this as a crutch for their antisocial behaviour.
We need to stand for the BlackLivesMatter cause, and help them be heard amongst the rioting and vandalism. To allow the movement to be silenced with threads such as these is dishonourable.
I think most people who had an education as a child would understand that there are people out there trying to be heard, and that there are people out there using this as a crutch for their antisocial behaviour.
We need to stand for the BlackLivesMatter cause, and help them be heard amongst the rioting and vandalism. To allow the movement to be silenced with threads such as these is dishonourable.
My issue was your use of the word "real", as if you're picking and choosing what murders against different races are racially motivated or and which are not.
If a person is killed because of their colour, whatever that may be, that is racism. All racism is "real" to someone, regardless of whether it is or not to you.
If a person is killed because of their colour, whatever that may be, that is racism. All racism is "real" to someone, regardless of whether it is or not to you.
Always the way, mozz, on AB. Any violent or extreme behaviour (as long as it isn't white people...) is attached to a convenient group.
Blaming muslims for terrorism, black people for stabbings, etc. Instead of being about criminals or thugs, whole groups are just lumped in together (although never "males" as a group. Interestingly).
Blaming muslims for terrorism, black people for stabbings, etc. Instead of being about criminals or thugs, whole groups are just lumped in together (although never "males" as a group. Interestingly).
//We need to stand for the BlackLivesMatter cause, and help them be heard amongst the rioting and vandalism.//
I agree, but when you attempt to justify or even encourage the violence, or dismiss the victims of looting because they are insured, you're not doing that. You're becoming an apologist for the criminals instead.of a voice for equality.
I agree, but when you attempt to justify or even encourage the violence, or dismiss the victims of looting because they are insured, you're not doing that. You're becoming an apologist for the criminals instead.of a voice for equality.
mozz: "If a person is killed because of their colour, whatever that may be, that is racism. All racism is "real" to someone, regardless of whether it is or not to you. " - I agree but that's not what happened with floyd, he died resisting arrest, if they wanted to kill him they'd have shot him, or possibly not called an ambulance. There are plenty of cases of white's dying in custody, no doubt , on occasion, horror or horrors, at the hands of black officers, no one is claiming racism there, are they? As we know only whites can be racist!
I am doing nothing of the sort. I'm not apologising for anyone. As I mentioned previously, without a bit of fire and some broken windows, marches for equality don't get traction. I have provided many, very recent (history wise) examples.
So, I will not in any way look at BlackLivesMatter in a negative light. The movement is a human rights movement, originating from within the African-American community, which campaigns against violence and systemic racism towards black people. That's it.
When people protest peacefully and it's not heard then that causes frustration. Frustration usually leads to anger. If people from your community are being murdered on the street on camera then I can imagine you would be quite angry.
I'd like to remind people that George is the tip of a gigantic iceberg. How you can expect a community to go through such hardship then protest like they're going to be listened to and respected is beyond me.
The protests started peacefully until the aggressive police presence. That brutality caused similar riots in the UK.
What is going on is amazing, yet tragic. And you can be sure that the next time someone says "I can't breathe" whilst a knee is to their neck, that knee will be loosened.
So, I will not in any way look at BlackLivesMatter in a negative light. The movement is a human rights movement, originating from within the African-American community, which campaigns against violence and systemic racism towards black people. That's it.
When people protest peacefully and it's not heard then that causes frustration. Frustration usually leads to anger. If people from your community are being murdered on the street on camera then I can imagine you would be quite angry.
I'd like to remind people that George is the tip of a gigantic iceberg. How you can expect a community to go through such hardship then protest like they're going to be listened to and respected is beyond me.
The protests started peacefully until the aggressive police presence. That brutality caused similar riots in the UK.
What is going on is amazing, yet tragic. And you can be sure that the next time someone says "I can't breathe" whilst a knee is to their neck, that knee will be loosened.
He wasn't resisting arrest Tora, he was motionless on the ground for a good three minutes. Members of the public were begging the plod to let him up, but he continued to pin him. If he had shot Floyd, it would have been kinder to the man.
The cop is a violent thug, no better than the felons he fought. Mr Floyd was certainly no angel, but nobody deserves to go out that way. Whether the murder was premeditated or racially motivated, I don't know. I'll leave that for the courts, but whether it was justified or not? Well, if you can't see that it was not, you really are beyond hope.
The cop is a violent thug, no better than the felons he fought. Mr Floyd was certainly no angel, but nobody deserves to go out that way. Whether the murder was premeditated or racially motivated, I don't know. I'll leave that for the courts, but whether it was justified or not? Well, if you can't see that it was not, you really are beyond hope.
mozz: "He wasn't resisting arrest Tora" - perlease! How do you think he got into that position. He refused to get into the car claiming some BS about claustrophobia! It wasn't his first rodeo was it? If anyone should know the inside of a cop car it's him. So what are you saying? He was targetted specifically whilst minding his own business? Singled out for no reason other than he's a black bloke? (can I say that?)
So would you be justifying it if that policewoman who gpt thrown from her horse had smash her head open and died. Or if that (black) retired cop who was shot defending his pal's store from looters in the States had died. Would they had been acceptable collateral to you? I rather believe that you'd still be here, with your Malcolm X complex, trying to rationalise their deaths.
Martin Luther-King preached peaceful protest. He'd be turning in his grave at some of the things that are going on right now.
Martin Luther-King preached peaceful protest. He'd be turning in his grave at some of the things that are going on right now.
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