A nose bleed?
41,000 people dying isn’t a nose bleed.
Social distancing is the key to minimising the virus death toll. It is impossible to work normally and keep 2 metres. So we shut all but food buying. It has undoubtedly saved lives.
You think 41,000 deaths is acceptable. What figure would you find unacceptable the?
It's everywhere that 2 meters was a randomly plucked length with little back-up to show that 1m would be worse and 3m better. We've all sucked it in though - personally I'm sick to death of shop assistants swerving maniacally if they think I'm too close to the tills like I'm spitting the black death on them.
2 metres wasn’t entirely random. It is the minimum distance from which you cannot physically touch someone. A sneeze can travel up to 8 metres, but 8m social distancing isn’t practical.
You are sick to death (groan) of shop assistants disapproving when you break the 2 metre advice. I suspect they are even more sick of people who cannot follow a very simple rule.
Wow. I think if a terrorist cult had killed over 40,000 people (and rising) in the UK in the last three months, TTT would not be calling it a "nose bleed".
// personally I'm sick to death of shop assistants swerving maniacally if they think I'm too close to the tills like I'm spitting the black death on them.//
whereas they are far more likely to infect me
NJ, legislation says businesses in Wales must take all reasonable measures to ensure there's a two-metre gap between folk from different households within their premises or waiting to enter.
Funnily enough I do know how to work out the SA of a sphere and I think your argument would have had 8 times the impact had you used volume instead. That doesn't make it a scientific reason to pick 2m though, in reality a covid sneeze (and more than 2% of it) would probably travel way more than that - but I don't see people sneezing left right and centre everywhere I go. Other parts of Europe picked 1.5 didn't they? We might reduce to 1m mightn't we - and why, are people sneezing with less force now?