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Black Man Saves White Thug

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allenlondon | 06:01 Mon 15th Jun 2020 | News
226 Answers

Why isn’t this BIG news? What’s the matter? Doesn’t it fit your stereotypes?


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Some light reading for you - I say light in the hopes you'll actually read it. Then there is some more here -
14:36 Tue 16th Jun 2020
Aww thanks Mozz.
Iluvmargie, you seem to have taken this all to heart. Evidently you are a white person.

The only thing you could do to better yourself would be to open your eyes and admit that white privilege exists in some if not most sectors of life. It doesn't make you a bad person and it's no particular 'white' persons fault, but to deny it is white privilege in action.
//You say I’m a sidekick of Gherkins. Never met him(her), but certainly pleased to be an associate!//

By associate, do you mean someone who like yourself is happy with lefty violence?
Or will you acknowledge the behaviour of the BLM protesters who looked like they were going to kill a human being was abhorrent?
//I'm here for discussion.//

What like this?

//Don't give it away. Their answers were amusing me whilst showing them for the characters that they are//

Not much like a discussion, more like you being an idiot. Maybe you see humour in prejudice, I prefer to see the reasons for it and try to address them calmly.

//Tora, you're talking out your aris//

Okay, sometimes I fail at that. :-)
//Aww thanks Mozz.//

You're most welcome.
OK Mozz71, I will leave you to it.

It was nice discussing with the rest of you folks. A good day to you all.
Mozz71, just before I go, I do hope that you have read page 9. It leads nicely into page 10 of this thread.
//wonder if communist re-education centres were as frustratingly right-on, preachy and self-satisfied as this is becoming.

Wondering for a comrade.//

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that's where Laura Kuenssberg would now be if Labour had won the last election.....
mozz: "Sorry Tora, but you're talking out of your aris. All white privilege is, is not having to have put up with the prejudices that black folk did. " - then why do I work along side non white people with a similar life style?. I don't ever remember any sort of invisible helping hand in my life. Life isn't fair, I get it, but it's more about the old school tie and nepotism than overt racism. My firm is full of people of all shapes and sizes and ethnic groups, they are there because they worked their way into the position. All this chip on the shoulder "white privilege" cobras is just something to blame failure on rather than lack of effort.
I was born to a poor family we lived in various council estates both my parents barely worked, they ended up in jail from time to time. Regularly we'd have bailiffs taking stiff away because mum never paid for it. I have worked continuously sine I was 11 years old to provide what I have now. Don't tell me I'm privileged, white or otherwise, everything I have I earned through persistence and hard work.
gherkin: "luvmargie, you seem to have taken this all to heart. Evidently you are a white person. "
I asked you similar earlier and it was taken down, black privilege I suppose, but clearly you are a non white person who thinks the world owes them something.
Ah but Tora, all the do-gooders on here would be far more impressed if you had done all that AND been black!!
The oppression is real. If he won't oppress us he will oppress our opinions from a position of white privilege.
You're not privileged, and you've worked hard to get where you are, I get that, but I still bet that there are others, not whites, who have worked equally hard and not had the opportunity to get to the place you have. I'm sure there are others who have.

As I said, white privilege isn't something that people like us see around us, it's something that is inherent in society.
many did, I work with them. WP is a religious style invention so people who think they should get everything on a plate have an excuse why they haven't done very well.
Easy for white folks to say as they will never face it, T. Harder for those who have endured it to prove. How does somebody prove that they've suffered prejudice to people who refuse to believe that prejudice exists? I have no idea.
"In the eyes of God we are all created equal"
Mozz: My last manager was a Vietnamese boat person, remember them from the 80s? She rose from a makeshift camp near here to a Senior VP in one of the worlds top banks. How did she manage that then? I work with thousands of similar people every day. so called WP didn't stop them. My current manager came from something out of slumdog millionaire. I just don't buy all this whining about non existent white privilege. The way this is going we may end up with Non White privilege.
I'd suggest she's the exception to rhe rule.

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