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Black Man Saves White Thug

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allenlondon | 07:01 Mon 15th Jun 2020 | News
226 Answers

Why isn’t this BIG news? What’s the matter? Doesn’t it fit your stereotypes?


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Some light reading for you - I say light in the hopes you'll actually read it. Then there is some more here -
15:36 Tue 16th Jun 2020
I think you're getting in a pickle there, Gherkins
Not at all. It is just quite hard trying to explain how it is respectful to acknowledge peoples colour and heritage whilst it is disrespectful to treat them differently because of it. Especially to those who barely acknowledge racism exists in the first place.

//One thing I can say is that you would acknowledge that there are black students in your class and be sure not to say anything that could be perceived as racist//

I'm fairly confident FF wouldn't say anything racist whether there were black children in his class or not.
Spicerack, that is lovely for you to have such a close relationship to fiction-factory to know that. However, I have no idea who they are or what their character is like.
I just know him from this site, gherkin. I doubt he'd say anything even you could conceive as racist.
I could and do.
I can't see it either, spice. But we have moved on from systemic now, which most people wouldn't even notice.
Does anyone know what point gherkins is trying to make?

Why would a mathematics teacher feel the need to acknowledge the colour of someone's skin?

gherkins: "I think it's honourable to acknowledge and respect that they may have struggled and been subject to treatment you couldn't possible comprehend.". " - I do that for anyone, no skin colour has a monopoly on mistreatment. If you think it does then I think you have the problem me old china.
Oh how it must feel to be an ignorant white man, having such strong opinions on race and what is or isn't offensive to the black man. They call that white privilege you know.
A very public spirited human indeed allen. Commendable ,in fact, but for the problem of unnecessary travel and breaking lockdown regulations one could almost call the act selfish. Plenty of press coverage. How many links do you want allen.
Would you campaign for all the white folks who are selflessly saving black lives on the London Streets almost daily. Those paramedics and cops who put their own health in danger whilst performing CPR on stabbing victims. They don’t get many accolades either. Just a job to them all and it is their duty. They are also entitled to be where they do it.
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Free Rhodes scholarships unavailable to my two kids but handed out to overseas students by the thousands. Where is my kids ‘white privilege’? At least they appreciate what they are offered!
May the lord help us all.
//Anyone who protests against the protests is a racist and an antagonist. It’s as simple as that in my mind.//

Hitler and Stalin must be rolling round laughing.
retro, I presume your children had access to the many scholarships handed out to UK students to study abroad though?
FF: "I think you're getting in a pickle there, Gherkins " - whooosh!
also, what have Rhodes scholarships got to do with race?
//Anyone who protests against the protests is a racist and an antagonist. It’s as simple as that in my mind.//

a BLM protest passes along your street, during the course of which your car is overturned and set on fire, and all the windows to the front of your house are smashed. but you won't complain of course because the protestors have a point and you don't want to be labelled a racist.
"Anyone who protests against the protests is a racist and an antagonist. It’s as simple as that in my mind."

That was a particularly stupid thing to say.
Retrocop. It’s 2020, there are black people in the police and paramedics, nurses, doctors even . Obviously not in ( your day )

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