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Katie Hopkins Banned From Twitter...

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Mozz71 | 19:08 Fri 19th Jun 2020 | News
81 Answers
Oh dear. How sad. What a shame.

Couldn't happen to a better person in my view. Nasty, toxic woman.


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I can’t stand vile opinions, maybe she she should have been told to rail it in
APG, she has whatever freedoms the law allows, but if she chooses to exercise hem on social media sites, she has only the freedoms they allow - the same as AB. Their sites, their rules.
What is a vile opinion? Only something you don't agree with. I could say I'm eating an animal I raised from birth and had slaughtered and that's ok...a vegan would call me vile. Vile is subjective in a lot of cases.
When it’s hurtful and deliberate like her stance on sexually abused children ,like her dreadful attack on Jordan’s blind son, to me , that’s vile
She was really funny when she was slating people over their childrens names, especially ones named after places like Brooklyn....and she has a daughter named India.

I watched her on American TV, can't remember the subject, she was so rude.
No sympathy for her whatsoever. She has abused her freedom to speak. If that’s the best she can do with it ...
And as someone has said, most sites like Twitter, AB. have rules which are their rules and you abide by the rules of the person whose house you are in, or you may be asked to leave
I bet half the time she doesn't even agree with herself - she just wants the publicity and to make more money from her opinions.
Just as on AB she was not asked to leave Twitter -she was banned lol!
i've always said that, Polly, I din't think she believes half of what she says.
She made some nasty comments about cancer and then became ill herself.
Tiggs, Karma is a wonderful thing
I always answer these threads before reading the thread, I'd like to make that clear.
I have no idea what she said but she must be bang on if she's got herself banned from twitface.
I may have to retract this later.
She basically made jokes about BLM and told Rashford she was not prepared to pay for other peoples kids meals if they couldn't afford to feed them themselves and suggested he, as a multi millionaire, could perhaps help out. That and other more radical right wing stuff.
Well in that case Twitters bowed to the BLM bandwagon which keeps on rolling
She's still on a fashion
I very rarely go on twitter or facebook.Facebook does have some redeeming things on it,twitter is just facebook for neep-heids.(look it up in your English-Scottish translation guide).
And someone answered her along the lines of 'and circumstances change, like being sued for deformation of character, refusing to apologise and having to go bankrupt'
HaHa, Roy, that was the interview I watched.
I was going to comment, but its way past brandy time, but she's ok Katie.
I like her. I'm not saying I agree with everything she says but she's hilarious in that she says what so few would dare to say and what so many truly think.

Free speech RIP :-(

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