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Ghislaine Maxwell

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Rosie29 | 14:39 Thu 02nd Jul 2020 | News
70 Answers
Sorry no link but BBC news report she has been arrested by FBI.


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Exactly Margie. Silly, silly man.
naomi - // I think you're wrong. I think incontinence pads are currently being called for. //


Look at the sequence of events that have led him to this sorry state.

The thread that runs through his entire life is an inability to understand how priveliged he is, and the need to develop a mature and adult sense of responsibility and respect for those around him.

A man with the basic ability to understand this situation, would not be in this situation - which is why I believe my point stands, and yours, on this occasion, I believe to be incorrect.
margie - // He lied though naomi, after that interview didn't the press go all out to provide pictures of him sweating throughout the years (lol)? //

He did lie, and the utter stupidity of the lie simply underlines the simple fact that this is a man who has probably never had to wipe his own bottom, let alone assume the basic responsibilities of adulthood.

His mother has turned a blind eye to his exceedingly obvious personality and intelligence vacuum, and made sure all his messes, and there are many, have been cleaned up after him.

Those chickens are coming home, but as I have advised, he will not be required to give evidence, he will continue to believe he has done nothing wrong whatsoever, and he will continue to be surrounded by people, his mother at the top of the pile, who will agree with him that he is absolutely right.
I can't be the only person thinking that she'll be dead before the end of the month...
I think Andy may go the same way as Diana.
AH, I've looked at the sequence of events. I've watched him on television trying - unsuccessfully - to worm his way around his current troubles, and I've watched him lose his status. He's stupid but not so stupid to be unaware he's in trouble.
It is rumoured that many years ago when he lived at the palace, the valet who came to wake him and draw back his curtains was greeted with the epithet "Eff off!"
naomi - // He's stupid but not so stupid to be unaware he's in trouble. //

On reflection, I can concede that he may be (briefly) aware that circumstances are changing, but I also believe that the support network that facilitates his appalling behavior will simply soothe him by assuring him that it will all be 'dealt with' - and of course, it will.
jackdaw - // It is rumoured that many years ago when he lived at the palace, the valet who came to wake him and draw back his curtains was greeted with the epithet "Eff off!" //

I try hard not to believe that a malicious media's media rumours are true, but given the evidence that Andrew himself has created over the years, it's not hard to agree that that is quite probably true.
Do you mean in a car accident Canary?
she'll probably have an accident or commit suicide.
it is of course possible that she knows nothing to Andrew's discredit and he knows nothing to hers, that neither's underwear is at risk and it will all fizzle out. ymb is right to point that we know nothing much so far.
If Ms Maxwell was in any way linked to Andrew's activities with under-age girls, she may be looking to cut a deal ...
Jno, ymb is indeed right. We don’t know much and we don’t know that Andrew broke any laws either. However, he was friends of both Maxwell and Epstein, and is, I feel, reluctant to have any grubby linen that may be attributed to him washed in public.
naomi - // We don’t know much and we don’t know that Andrew broke any laws either. However, he was friends of both Maxwell and Epstein, and is, I feel, reluctant to have any grubby linen that may be attributed to him washed in public. //

I would agree with that assessment.

It may be that Andrew is not guilty in legal terms, not morally, by not giving the required support to the powers that be, he is being morally wrong in not helping criminals to be brought to justice.

His own in-built sense of survival, underlined by the palace who will go to any lengths to avoid a scandal, will probably ensure that he teflons away from this.

Legally, he may be without fault, but morally, he clearly is, and remains so.
we're all reluctant to have grubby linen aired in public - even if we don't have any. Just knowing bad people won't normally constitute a crime; they'll need actual evidence. They may well have some but we'll have to wait and see - and then wait some more to see if she can rebut it.
jno - // we're all reluctant to have grubby linen aired in public - even if we don't have any. //

No argument there.

The fact is, being a royal, and being Andrew's temperament and personality means that he will have lots of grubby linen, if not in this instance, then in others.

But being a royal means that he has 'people' to ensure that his linen does not get within a country mile of the public, and he will accept that as simply his due for being who he is.

I would have more respect for him if he remembered what he is occasionally, and the responsibilities that go with that - but he won't.
//being a royal means that he has 'people' to ensure that his linen does not get within a country mile of the public//

If that were true he wouldn't be in the situation he's in now. In today's world it can't be easy to hide much - regardless of status.
This Prince seems to have a penchant for lurking around some weird happenings:
The grand old juke of York, he had ten thousand girls, he marched them up to the top of the stairs, and marched them down again. :0))))))))))

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