ummmm - // Andy - have you not noticed how many people say the same thing? YOU take threads off track and then ruin threads by copying and pasting their replies to you. //
I know there s a hardcore of about three or four who regularly come on to snipe.
What they don't seem to appreciate is the bottomless irony that in coming on to accuse me of de-railing a thread, they are de-railing it themselves.
//If you want to keep a thread on track reply to someone using their name. //
My reply to any post is the person's name - always has been, always will be - check the start of this post for an example, or any post I have made in the last decade, or beyond.
// You don't need to reply sentence by sentence. If we're not sure which answer you're replying to then we haven't read the whole thread and it's down to us to go back and check. //
I would not presume to give anyone lessons in how I think they should present their posts.
Everyone is free to say what they wish how they wish, within
Site Rules, and everyone is equally free to ignore posts which they don't like, or even the entire input from posters they don't like.
So why don't you ignore me completely, it will save you cluttering up threads with this sort of nonsense because I won't be obliged to defend myself from your pointless attacks - and that applies to the rest of your cabal as well. I won't miss your pointless sniping, I doubt anyone else will either.
There - we can get on with not de-railing threads with arguments about de-railing - that's much better.