tamborine - // So andy, who are you to contrive a 'so rule'? //
I'm an AB'er - just like you - and i can post what I choose within
Site Rules - just like you.
// You were warned it would derail the thread, so on you went. //
I don't respond well to 'warnings' - thank you.
// I complained of the so rule derailment here but as youre a mod, you've ignored my complaint //
I ignored your complaint because I don't believe it contravenes
Site Rules, and apparently neither does any other Mod who has seen it.
If you are unhappy with a post, or an action or an inaction by a Moderator, use the Report Button, that's what it's there for.
// - so expected and a good thread ruined by you. //
As I have explained, the 'de-railing' was started, and continued by Ellipsis, who refused to let the 'Straw Man' issue drop, even though I advised that i understood it, and no-one was interested.
Perhaps you should re-align your ire in his direction - for a change.