They find themselves in a cleft stick TTT. They like to whinge about the Boris measures, that determine limited lockdowns, calling them a denial of freedom and not constitutionally legitimate, but, but, when the Welsh or Scottish parliaments call for even more stringent and direct control hold it up as a shining example. Bless.
I will however make one comment. Wayyyyy back in the mists of time when the weather was warm and outdoors was the place for me, I may have passed comment on the numbers of "visitors" to this area. Visitors that have never been seen in such numbers( I mean in the hundreds daily). These new and exciting visitors were, on the face of it, from areas in England that were indeed under strict lockdown and supposedly not allowed to travel out of their immediate areas. Nothing was done by the local council or the Welsh government. They never even acted when Snowdon was covered from top to bottom in human excrement and the roads for miles around it blocked to even emergency vehicles. They now take it upon themselves to ban the Scousers from visiting. Wicked.