Highly unlikely the BBC will fess up on what it knew and when, even though it was an open secret within the Corporation for decades of Saville’s sleazy interests.
I think Louis Theroux has almost covered it. Plus there has already been a documentary interviewing his victims. We don't need to see more of the dirty perv.
I hated SaVILE when he was alive, I hate him more now.
Surely Dame Janet Smith's review was enough. Or perhaps the new Tory Chief at the BBC is seeking to further vilify the old guard in order to justify sweeping changes.
My grandad co-founded the Stoke Mandeville games, and knew him at the hospital. He hated him, and always told us to keep away, but never why.
Jimmy Savile, separately, asked both my sister and I (early teens) if he could show us around his office... and we both declined, because of our grandad. Neither of us knew we had both been asked until just a few years ago.
I've supported the BBC on AB in the past, but this is preposterous. This monster should not be the subject of anything considered "entertainment". The BBC should cancel this and send the proposed budget to child protection charities.