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Far better than a carp deal.The French and Spanish are pirates of the sea with no regard for fish stocks. They just hoover up anthing. Just look in the fish markets in France and Spain. Small fish and crustaceans that should never be landed. The French just shrug and tell you it's a good size for bouillabaise. They even grade the huitrs. The small size should...
12:19 Fri 16th Oct 2020
gulliver; Could you please tell us clearly why you want the UK to remain in the EU -- simple question.
Not sure why this is a surprise to anyone. The ERG constantly scuppered May’s deal several times because it didn’t want a deal.
Now the ERG are driving the Government, it should be no surprise where they are steering us.
Boris signed a deal in January, so they have managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Meanwhile JRM and his ERG stalwarts are quietly moving their assets to ROI so they will minimise their £ exposure when it all goes pear shaped.
Poor old Boris, Covid is already making his position weak . When no deal starts to bite , it will be the end for him . Talk about Turkeys voting for Chrismas.
Because he lives in Malta. If he can occasionally tear himself away from Strait Street (The Gut) Valetta he will notice a massive road building programme all around Malta. All these new motorways ,that put ours to shame are accompanied by large billboards stating the project is built with and financed by European Commumity Co-operation. That means money grants,currently from the UK, who payed the Lion's share.
That was to Khandro
Thanks Retro that explains a lot.
What on earth have the poor Maltese done to deserve him?
Didn't shut their doors quickly enough?
Johnson is weak, but his position as Prime Minister isn’t weak.
He has an 80 vote majority in the HoC, a Cabinet full of his cronies, grassroots Tories elected him by a huge majority, and the opposition is still weak and divided. So he is very very safe.

His Covid strategy, and the UK leaving the EU without a deal will have repercussions for the country. If it all pans out great in the ling run, then Johnson will be a hero.
If it all goes pear shaped, then Johnson will have nowhere to hid.
For the sake of the country let us all hope it works out, but I have no confidence he can deliver.
Wherever Gulliver might live, it seems to me that many here live in cloud-cuckoo land. I hope I am wrong and that all goes well after brexit.
//What on earth have the poor Maltese done to deserve him?//
I imagine he was an old rummy in the Andrew when his ship sailed after Mintoff took over and the Mediterranean Station was abandoned .
His last ship sailed and if the Captain was aware he was AWOL he didn't believe it was a great loss and sailed on leaving him wallowing down Strait Street.
Retro: Haven't been to Malta, but it figures, ditto Slovenia which I've known since communist days, amazing how much it has come on since the EU started doling out the dosh, it's a financial basket case with only a population of 4 million -- though I must say it has just given us 1st & second in the Tour de France .... & Melania Trump of course :0)
Poor little Boris , he is trying to be Churchill, but is going to end up as Thatcher , useless, and abandoned .
//useless, and abandoned . //

Something you are familiar with I venture.
Spot on Retro
Nothing much then.
For 'no deal' read 'lacking in negotiating skills.
I have so many friends and family living in the UK that I really hope you're wrong, Atheist and that all goes very well after Brexit......but I have my doubts. :-(
//For 'no deal' read 'lacking in negotiating skills.//
Yes, the EU should have done more negotiating , rather than obstructing at every opportunity.,

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