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teacake44 | 12:39 Tue 20th Oct 2020 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
So called experts are going to come on TV and tell us that the vulnerable are at risk, there must have been thousands of them over the last nine months. Its enough to do you're ruddy head in. WE KNOW!!!!


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Agree its been mentioned enough for most, tho it seem's not everyone whose vunerable realises they are. A posted a few day's ago about a very obese youngish man (well aged 30-40) in my super-market who waddled along with he's mask under he's chin telling peopel corona was all a load of cobbler's, a conspiracy to control us, he seen it on youtube.
The trouble is there are not too many people in a position of authority to actually do something with that information. It is well known that the vulnerable are the most likely to suffer serious consequences of contracting Covid (there are plenty of figures around without me digging them out). Unfortunately the entire country is being locked down to a greater or lesser degree and quite how that helps the overall problem is difficult to fathom. The good news is that there seems to be a growing agitation in many parts to get those allegedly in charge to see lockdown for what it is - a failed experiment that is being repeated over and over again with the same results (to do so being an early sign of madness).
//A posted a few day's ago about a very obese youngish man (well aged 30-40) in my super-market who waddled along with he's mask under he's chin telling peopel corona was all a load of cobbler's,//

Then that should be his choice. Your responsibility is to ensure he does not cough or spit over you (a practice which, apparently, is rife in your neck of the woods).
I always thought that vulnerable meant at risk. Why the tautology?
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There seems to be more doctors on TV coin it in than working in their surgery, and none of them are telling us any different other than what we already know.
In my opinion the word "lockdown" should be banned.

What we have are not really "lockdowns" at all.

In N Ireland we have the insanity of a convicted terrorist as stand-in"communities" minister trying to impose her suddenly safety-conscious views on a hard-pressed sporting fraternity by telling them to ban spectators . I am all in favour of inclusivenenss, but this stretches my tolerance somewhat :-)
I can forgive past crimes, current incompetence etc etc, but a blatant mix of the two is a lot to take
But still thousands are lapping it up like sheep at the trough. I can't fathom why so many think lockdowns and circuit-breakers are the answer. We did that in the spring, came out of it and are more or less back where we started. Lockdown for 2 weeks and at the end of it we will still be back where we started. It may relieve pressure on the health services (in some areas, in my area most are probably twiddling their thumbs, that goes for my dentist too) but other than that I've no idea what good it does in making the virus die off.
"Then that should be his choice. "
Nope. Its wrong for him to put others at risk by not wearing he's mask. He was delibrately not wearing it to make he's point. That shouldnt be he's choice to make. Am not sure why some defend /excuse these sellfish peopel.
Tho yes it he's choice to ignore the risk's of being obese but its clear the message isnt getting threw to some of the vunerable and may never do however many times the experts remind us so teacake44 as a point
Because the general public are a bit thick and often cannot work things out for themselves instead they absorb the propaganda from the MSM who have a lot to answer for in this problem.
Prudy- your not really lockdowned unless your in Wales , just alot of inconveniant restrictions but it stands to reason that if we stop social contact's for long enough the corona virus will dry up as it as nowhere to go after its run its course in someone. Will see what happens in Wales with our fire brake, hopefuly the cases will sttop rising so fast by mid November
Y9 pupil challenged by a member of staff because he wasn't wearing a mask in the school corridor. His reply - " We all want to catch the virus, we won't have to come to school then"
On that point roopower a do wonder if anyones thought of doing what they used to do with measles partys for kids (or was it chickenpox) in are parents day. All the kids age maybe 7-13 would have to be kept close together for a few weeks maybe on some sort of camp- a bet most would love it and it would hopefuly mean they could go home immune and not infect others?
Immunity and the ability to infect others are two totally different things. No one knows how many people are out there that have had covid with no symptoms but are still shedding the virus (super spreaders) or how many have had it but not produced sufficient anti-bodies to make them immune to further infection.
As recently as last year parents who are against vaccines were hosting 'Measles Parties' and playing games with the lives of their children.
I would guess the chances of your well-nourished healthy child dying from measles in the UK is around the same odds as your child suffering development problems due to being given the vaccines.
It's not wrong for him to opt not to wear a mask. It is his decision to exercise his right to wear what he wishes and not be dictated to. I an unsure why folk try to support the totalitarian system of treating citizens as something to be pushed around, and criticise those who dissent. Every one of us are always at some low risk of lots of things. Paranoia about one thing ought not be the excuse to remove others' right to choose.
Bobinwales - maybe the kids at camp could be separated, with maybe the blond haired, blue-eyed kids all in one camp?
Worldwide deaths from measles topped more than 140,000 in 2018, not a gamble I would take when we have a perfectly good vaccine.

I saw how close my younger came to losing his sight.

People taking their own risks is fine but when it has the chance of affecting others then that is time to pause and think.

Not scaremongering,simply advocating common sense.
* my younger Brother
///////I can't fathom why so many think lockdowns and circuit-breakers are the answer///////

Agreed, they are not the answer, as we have NO answer,but they may be the beginning of the answer. Our only alternative as I see it is Herd Immunity ,no restrictions just let the community sort itself out.

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