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What Has Happened To Anotheoldgit?

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Kathyan | 14:21 Tue 20th Oct 2020 | News
60 Answers
Probably put this in the wrong category but as question title. I don't come on here that much and may have missed something about him, I haven't seen any posts from him for quite a while.


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Some really nasty people from the past.
Sparklykid are you suggesting he is still around and using a different username? That would be very cruel.
Not at all APG. I really liked AOG. I was referring to others, lol.
I assumed he had died. Relatives may not be happy informing sites where folk were regulars. More important matters to attend to.
Shame he is no longer posting but like others I fear he is no longer with us.
Sparkly, the "oldies" that you refer to are missing for an entirely different reason, and it's almost disrespectful to compare them to AOG.
pasta you don't know why AOG is not posting. He may still be in the land of the living but just sick of AB -it's possible you know! :-)

And anyone can come back if they want to :-)
i hope its not just that hephysically cant anymore because he cant see well enough or cant type properly or something - there was someone on here who was blind but used an audio app to 'read' & reply to posts for him, and it seems pretty easy for him to manage, as i recall, if thats the case, i hope he finds that out somehow and can use this site - and others again.
It would be surprising if AOG had just felt sick of the place. I'm sure I'm not the only one who spent most of my time here disagreeing with most of what he said, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who was at times vocal about it. If that's the case, he endured a great deal of opposition or even animosity. But he came back, day after day, to continue to plug his case and his views. I kind of feel that it was his choice to do so, and I think that he'd continue to make that choice if he were able.

youre saying people called for him to be hung on here?? like who? thats a messed up thing to say to anyone!

i know things get heated & you can think someone is a prick but wishing death etc is rather harsh
I think you can disagree fundamentally with someone's view points and do so quite intently without wishing them ill
Discussions often got heated but I didn't see anyone wish death on him - that would be truly dreadful.
i dont think TAB should message him! - if his family see it they may come on here to read his responses - and he may not want them to, he was controversial & it might upset them, he may even have said unkind things about them - this is anonymous after all.

although people here sort of 'knew' aog, none of us 'actually' knew him, we werent friends, he was just a username on a forum, its really none of our business why hes not here.

i remember when Whiffey died years ago, and one or two people here had to be 'told off' for trying to get too involved in it all, acting like it was their business & knew him, wanting details etc - i' think' his daughter announced it (??) and she wasnt happy about the actions of a few people - mainly for the reasons i mention above.
i think comments wishing death would have been deleted along with the poster - i dont know, people can be utter *** online.

id be interested to know who all these hypocrites who wished him dead & are now sad are though ... care to elaborate?
"I recall many screaming for him to be suspended by the neck or worse..."

Really Retrocop? Many said this? Who?
I don't think anyone has wished anyone dead, have they?
Didn´t he get thrown off the site due to too many complaints?
‘By the neck’ metaphorically not literally. Make it simple.
There were those who oft demanded he be suspended or banned from the site. They know who they are.
At one stage I recall him being so fed up with his detractors he said it was obvious his presence was not appreciated and was considering going ‘user inactive’.That is fact.
Does anyone think he may be still on AB with another user name? He has not been suspended or banned so he would not be flaunting AB rules would he?
He wouldn't do that,absolutely not his style at all.

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