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This Postcode Lockdown Isn't Working

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Bobbisox1 | 14:09 Fri 30th Oct 2020 | News
26 Answers
No link just something I see,
I feel there should be a short sharp lockdown for a month or give in and say
"This is here to stay, so let's get on best way we can now"


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Parsley// dannyk, I doubt very much if they are all Covid cases//
The doctor was speaking about Covid cases in ICU.
Germany & France must of got it all wrong to asthey are getting alot stricterer. In fact most countrys are tightning up. Maybe all the worlds scientists are wrong? Dont think so
OK, thanks dannyk. I would counter that with how many of them had something else wrong with them as well? Also at this time of year, you would expect to see higher admissions because of flu and pneumonia. As I said no perspective.
Parsley, No matter how you jiggle it they are Covid cases in ICU, many of them on respirators.
//...or argue oldies would of died in the next few years anyway so dont count.//

Please don't get like Peter Pedant, bob. I've never said that. What I've maintained is that in recent months many older people (and those with other health problems) have died from Covid instead of dying from something else. I accept there were "excess deaths" in the Spring and I believe many of them were cause by the almost criminal practice of sending infected people from hospitals to care homes. Everybody dies of something. With older people people their death is often hastened by pneumonia or 'flu and that is often the "cause of death" even when they have been suffering from other conditions. Many of those in recent months have died of Covid.

Far from ignoring facts, I constantly present data within my posts (as I've done in this one). I'm also not saying that scientists are wrong (though some of their predictions have proved wildly inaccurate). But scientists are usually one-dimensional. They concentrate on what they are good at. But often they miss the bigger picture such as the economy and the wider health issues. Politicians are supposed to take those aspects on board and currently I believe they are not doing so adequately.

We will have to accept that this disease is here to stay (as is the case with many). But we cannot wait until a vaccine is delivered (which may be never) and we cannot continue to stifle the economy until we eventually "...get all partys to agree that we except maybe 100000 corona deaths ayear". Far too much damage will have occurred by then.

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