// If you're not honest about problems people make up their own stories and idiots believe them. //
So what? Let them believe what they like, print what they like, then when the truth eventually comes out, they will look not only like idiots but unsympathetic idiots. No one should feel pressured to reveal their private life or that of tohers.
In a similar vein, I simply cannot understand why members of the public are happy to share their very personal medical problems on shows like Car SOS. I would be mortified and I couldn’t do it even for a brand new Aston Martin.
Bobby Charlton is known and greatly admired the whole world over. I see no harm whatsoever in informing his millions of fans of his illness. If nothing else, it may prepare them for the inevitable outcome and soften the blow a tad.
Agreed Ken 4155. Dementia is something we all fear, but it is not necessarily 'The End'. A wonderful tune '4 notes - Paul's Tune' just hit No. 1 in the download charts and he suffers from dementia.
Yes, it is sad that Bobby Charlton is suffering from Dementia, but we will all end up with something, I'm afraid, and we just need to understand and let those who can help - help. I'm just responding to the OP and Ken's post - haven't read the others.
As in the Lyra McKee assassination these snakes could get any witnesses to their atrocities "disappeared".Look at the Jean McConville case.Snakes,the whole lot of them.
The issue with Bobby Charlton having dementia is that he's the fifth of the 1966 World Cup winning squad to be diagnosed with it. A study last year found former footballers were 3.5 times more likely to suffer from dementia than the average person.
Sean Connery had it too, though in his case we ddn't find out till he was dead.
Ellipsis is right about footballers; the suspicion is it comes from heading the ball. Rugby players have had problems too, and even cricketers now go for head injury assessments if the ball hits their helmets.
I suppose you don't get hundreds of boxers fighting every weekend so it's not so high-profile. But everyone was aware that Muhammad Ali had Parkinson's, which probably had the same origin. Time they banned gloves, if you ask me.
on car SOS the person who's car it is purportedly doesn't know about it. Therefore their families tell the super sob-stories and I guess they don't get a say!