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Please Can I Ask A Reasonable Question?

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Bobbisox1 | 18:42 Tue 10th Nov 2020 | News
111 Answers
The Chairman of the FA has resigned after making two bad comments
He referred to coloured players as black?
And said being Gay was a lifestyle choice
What has he done to create the anti race lobby to go into meltdown by saying it was racist calling a coloured player Black when the coloured people themselves created BLACK LIVES MATTER
On the second remark, I agree he's bang out of order to suggest being Gay is a lifestyle choice, it isn't !!!



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10ClarionSt - // All of this is sympotmatic of todays' society where everyone thinks that there is abuse and insults in anything that people say. Tis true folks.//

But that's my point, I honestly don't think society is like that, I think the media pretends that it is because it winds up people who don't actually think and behave like that, which is almost all of us.
I don't know whether he is racist, sexist or homophobic but he's clearly a bit of a pudding and still living in the late 70's early 80's.
A new man at the top is needed for numerous reasons.

I do wonder, however, how many had to step down from 'Kick it out' when they said a white man during his lifetime was blue, yellow, green and grey?
Well, at least he was offensive to everybody equally.
roy - // I don't know whether he is racist, sexist or homophobic ... //

I don;t know either.

But one thing I do know, and I am sure you will agree with me on this, is that to get to any sort of level of authority in any organization, you have had to demonstrate clearly and often, that you absolutely endorse and approve of the way things are done within that origination.

Since the organization in question is the FA, and he has got as high as you can get, I would venture to suggest that he is very much all three - but as I said, I don't know ...
I too am completely confounded as to why 'coloured people' is grossly offensive yet 'people of colour' is perfectly OK. By the way, the French word for apple is feminine so it should be 'une pomme verte', unless, of course, it is a transgender apple, I would hate to be accused of transphobia.
JD, maybe it identifies as a pear?
Jackdaw - //
I too am completely confounded as to why 'coloured people' is grossly offensive yet 'people of colour' is perfectly OK. //

Being neither black or 'woke', I am taking an educated guess here -

if you put the word 'people' first, it sugests that the 'people' is the important part of the description, rather than the colour.

Just an idea, I am perfectly happy to be corrected if anyone knows more about this.
jim - // Well, at least he was offensive to everybody equally. //

Indeed, and that's not an easy thing to do - unless you are Donald Trump of course, he has turned the notion of being offensive into an art form!!!
So somebody uses the term "coloured person" and on cue the politically correct/woke brigade start jumping up and down yelling racist.
Please get a grip. There are plenty of genuine racists around.
The worry for me is that people will eventually tire of this politically correct garbage and vote into power a real nasty far right party.
How should 'common people' be more kindly referred to?
Pulps best single?
fiveleaves - // So somebody uses the term "coloured person" and on cue the politically correct/woke brigade start jumping up and down yelling racist. //

No, not 'someone' - the chairman of the FA, long renowned as one of the most racist organisations on the planet, finally addressing its issues and slowly dragging itself kicking and screaming into the twenty-first century.

An organisation that makes regular chest-eating statements about how many millions is is spending to combact racism, and then the head of the organisation uses a racist expression.

Not 'somebody' - the chairman of the FA.

// Please get a grip. There are plenty of genuine racists around. //

There are, and plenty of them have found a comfortable berth in the culture of football, and the FA is the chief organsation, and its chief should be leading my example.

// The worry for me is that people will eventually tire of this politically correct garbage and vote into power a real nasty far right party. //

Not much chance of that - racism is nasty, but it has always been, and will always be, a minority view in this country.
Whoops - chest BEATING!!!

Flaming predictive text!!!
Reading Fiveleaves contributions to this post, it strikes me that we have yet another devout believer who has no time for anything PC.

I can't help but wonder whether this is something that is commonplace amongst the holier of us?
I've got a hole in my right slipper.
How else would thee get thy foot in't lass?
Yes it is! I know several women who quite understandably chose lesbianism.
It not seen as both racist and grossly offensive to any normal individual. Some folk need to get real.
In the 70s ‘black’ was the preferred word by black people - coloured smacked too much of the US’s derogatory language.

Black is of course no more accurate than white.

There is an element of fashion in all this, which is abhorrent.

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