> we have how many deaths now, 46,000 maybe more
It was headline news the other day! We passed 50,000, the most in Europe.
So it's nice to discover that the focus in Number 10 is on infighting and backstabbing rather than dealing with Covid or Brexit.
No deal with the USA or EU yet negotiated (but we got one with Japan, woo-hoo).
How's the deal with the USA going? Who are we even dealing with now? How could we let negotiations run up to and through a US election?
With the EU, we need to agree a free trade deal before next Thursday, November 19th. This is the last possible date to enable the legislation to get through UK law and the EU council before January. It's not going to happen, or at least it seems very unlikely.
We have stumbled and bumbled our way into a no-deal Brexit, while our "leadership" was fighting among themselves. Boris has proven himself to be what he was suspected to be all along, an incompetent buffoon who couldn't manage a pee-up in a brewery, and we'll all be paying for it for many years to come. Those of us who don't run our own hedge funds, anyway ...