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Sutcliffe Is Dead

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barry1010 | 08:59 Fri 13th Nov 2020 | News
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He has finally got his wish


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ag - // Sure,far easier to execute criminals but thats not a civilised alternative really is it? //

It's absolutely not.

If the cost of living in a civilsed society that incarcerates its murderers is a few pence of my income tax, then I am happy to pay it.

The day we equate killing someone to saving money is a bad day for our society - it's barbaric.
i argue that it's more civilised to execute offenders that are imprisoned for a full life term
Very few and far between if u talk abt full life terms.
Friday 13th , unlucky for some , lucky for others.
Killing thirteen and attempting to kill seven more is hardly the work of a member of the civilised society you constantly talk about.
It’s a jungle out there and if we crave utopia we have to eliminate the square pegs who don’t fit in order for civilised society to go about their business without fear of Sutcliffes and his ilk. cant really have degrees of 'badness' to determine execution.All murder(s) are bad.Its either or for capital punishment.It shudnt be down to the Home Sec to effectively sign off a death warrant (if CP returned)
"we have to eliminate the square pegs who don’t fit"

Eliminate or incarcerate retro? (I think I know yr stance!)
Hang them, lethal jab, whatever removes them from our ‘civilised’ society which we are currently failing to achieve.
Retro. If the cops involved hadn't been so thick some lives would have been spared. I remember that member of the public took a blood stained hand bag into a police station & it was put away as lost-property.
We have to take them out of society and ensure the time fits the crime.People often make distinctions say,that if someone murders a policeman or a frontline worker say,then somehow the crime deserves a stiffer punishment than joe bloggs? I dont get that logic.Murder is murder full stop.

All Sutcliffes victims were innocent.Sex workers or not.Like I said before many attitudes in the police towards the latter havent changed today and that is so wrong
Retro,Utopia will always be a fallacy.It doesnt exist and never will.Neither will a fully civilised society.

Khandro,not to mention the famous £5 note clue found on one body that was newly printed and only distributed to a handful of businesses inc Sutcliffes employers...
"If the cost of living in a civilsed society that incarcerates its murderers is a few pence of my income tax, then I am happy to pay it."

Weren't you the one recently who professed pride in finding tax loopholes in order to pay less tax?
It wasnt all about hindsight as Andy said.Lots of clues and didnt need lack of computers etc to apprehend him sooner.

George Oldfield made it personal and barked up a wrong tree with devastating results.
I’m quite aware of the shortcomings of the investigations and the subsequent results.
Khandro//Retro. If the cops involved hadn't been so thick some lives would have been spared//
You have no idea what was happening in the investigation and might I suggest that you keep your disaparaging remarks to yourself.
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There are major problems with having the death penalty, the biggest being that juries are far less likely to find the accused guilty of murder.
In the Sutcliffe case it is probable that an insanity defence would have been successful preventing the death penalty.
"it is probable that an insanity defence would have been successful preventing the death penalty"

Its true to say that not all the psychiatric experts called upon agreed he was 'mad'.That said,a guilty verdict was always very likely
Sutcliffe was a Jehovah’s Witness who believed he was bound for heaven. Just saying.
Naomi,certainly deluded but no fool who evaded capture for so long ably assisted by a disjointed investigation.

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