Then we shouldn't use them, if they change their minds according to what they think the sentence is.
Firstly, we should be getting the right result. The appropriate punishment, treatment, mixture... should come afterwards.
We shouldn't be saying, he's 20% guilty, community service, 70% guilty, prison, 100% guilty, execution... it should be about the crime, not how likely they are to have done it.
I get that Jack but werent majority verdicts accepted and if so,the minority juror(s) would still feel a heavy burden I wud imagine.
The pressure and responsibility of any juror must be tough esp in high profile cases.I wud hate to have to do it cos I know my mind wud be all over the place,over emotional etc
Theres still the pressure when deliberating that jurors were heavily pressed to change their mind.Bet this still happens and that wud be wrong.Not everyone is strong enuf to resist pressure