There are no enemies massing troops, they are in cyber labs, working out how to cause mayhem via the web, crash the financial services and you will have chaos and hungef that our previous enemies could only dream off, no money moves we grind to a halt with no back up in place.Take out the satellites planes are grounded ships don't sail, no food arrives. This is the 21st century and we need to catch up and fast.
Defence against terror is mostly information gathering and interpretation
Deployment in humanitarian crises needs fast ships and military aircraft as well as their use in overt conflict and we need to protect our shipping in international waters.
A stable world comes from strong defences, they give us time to negotiate by making the cost of attack too high. In this way nations can work together because there is an ability to see forward. It may mean sacrifice of the few now for the long term good. Not my decision though I understand it.