Returning to Labour "wrecking the economy". That is not true. Gordon Brown saved the finances, economy, businesses and jobs in this country by the action that he took in the wake of the collapse of the sub-prime market in the USA. He protected your money, your jobs and your banks. The actions he took received great praise from other world leaders because he was one of the first leaders to react and save his country from total collapse. Protecting the first £30,000 of your savings was introduced by Labour, now increased by the Tories. Gordon Brown and Labour saved this country economically in the only way possible. The Tories would have done the same, without a doubt. They didn't hesitate to splash the cash this year did they? Wot? That's different? Splashing the cash? yeah right. Otherwise everything's fine thanks. Oh yes, and I've still got the facemask that somebody gave me back in March. They do last longer when you don't use them though I suppose.