It's obvious most Scots don't hate the English and vice versa, but with St Urgeon's rhetoric, if she doesn't dislike England (although more specifically Westminster) then she's doing a very good job of displaying the opposite.
Immediately after the deal was announced she was whipping up the Nats into a frothing frenzy.
St Urgeon wants to be a part of the EU - I totally get that because I do to, but I lost and I accepted I lost.
She's now whining, again, for another independence referendum - well fine, let her have it, and if the majority, again, reject the idea, hopefully that will be the last we'll hear of this awful woman. Alternatively, if the Nats win the vote, and they're granted their wish, I sincerely hope all financial ties are cut immediately so they quickly realise they'd be in penury without the munificence of the barrow-loads of money we send up the A1.
If she thinks an independent Scotland will be granted grandfather's rights to automatic membership of the EU, then she's breathtakingly naive.
Ultimately I couldn't give a tinker's cuss if the Nats win and gain independence, but I think the Scottish people should be very concerned.