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Inside The Senate Siege

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pastafreak | 22:26 Wed 06th Jan 2021 | News
70 Answers
Some of these photos are shocking...some show a lack of respect for what the building represents.


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That didn't take long...the person that put up the video has been suspended.
Suspended from Twitter?
twitter says they have locked the twitter feed of the greatest man inthe world
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I fear there will be bloodshed in the next few days, unless something is done to contain this.
seems utterly predictable
as we Brits weep crocodile tears
( and enjoy the scenes of utter unBritish chaos )
after Trump called the fella who ran over the protestor a few years ago
a patriot
Trump has effectively given up on trying to stay in power lawfully.. if they let him then he'll try again and again - there were already attacks like this in Utah against local congresses, I expect there might be more. he will continue to insist he won the election and his band of fascists will keep causing problems and his forktongued apologists will continue to gloss over it because they want him to win.
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Disgraceful behaviour.
I'll give you half a guess oz!
And to think that people voted for this man... i would like to think it was ignorance but i fear in many cases that it wasn't.
Even now, 138 Republican members of congress have voted to uphold objections to the electoral college results.

They lost obviously, but 138 still going along with the coup. Unbelievable.
It's sad when a country that has always thought itself as one of the great democracies of the world comes to this just because the leader can't accept that he lost a vote and now people are dying because of it. You have a vote, someone wins and you move on whether or not you argee with the result as long as it was fair. For Trump to keep on saying it was fixed without providing evidence is totally wrong. If he had proof he should have been made to show what he had right at the beginning.
This is what happens when inadequates are elected.

The real blame lies with the Republican party for going along with it in the first place though.
The man was known to be an imbecile who wrecks everything he touches.
This was bound to happen.

I said right up front they should hold an inquiry into the election and show Biden won it fair. That would have helped put it to bed.

Shooting one dead is a big mistake. Although we have all the 'Orange man bad' on here there are a lot of Americans who voted for him and/or his ideals, this is not going to end nicely now and if not contained peacefully could well erupt into their second civil war. And with 400million guns in the USA the outcome is anyone's guess.

Of course its a shame the same level wasnt shown to Antifa who were allowed to run riot looting and burning. That will fuel the problem further.

For those calling for impeachment be careful of what you wish for. Remember ever action tends to have unintended recations.
"This is what happens when inadequates are elected."

And views like that are what also causes the problem. He was elected and people like you couldn't stand it and spent the last 4 years trying to impeach him. Maybe if your favoured party had put up a better candidate than Hilary non of this would be happening?
If Trump is impeached it would him stop him ever standing again.
There was no justification whatever for holding an “enquiry” to look into “the evidence” as Cruz, Hawley et al were calling for. Countless law suits with zero evidence have already been brought and thrown out. The only thing that was stoking people’s suspicions of the election were the unfounded allegations of Trump who has hoodwinked his gullible followers. All an “enquiry” would do was stoke the suspicion more and delay the confirmation of a free and fair election
Don'tr know if it will put an end to Trump's shenanigans but Biden has just been confirmed as Potus.
Hillary Clinton would have been an excellent president but she lost and conceded graceful within a day despite the rumblings of foreign interference.
"Hillary Clinton would have been an excellent president but she lost and conceded graceful within a day despite the rumblings of foreign interference."

Good God - you are deluded.

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