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What If They'd Been Black, Or Muslims

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Canary42 | 00:17 Thu 07th Jan 2021 | News
64 Answers
White supremacist Trump supporters are attempting a coup in the United States.

If it had been black civil rights protesters trying to storm the seat of US government, or leftists, or Muslims who had been doing this, they'd have been gunned down already.

But because it's white supremacists, they're not receiving such treatment.


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Shut up you fool.
A white woman has been 'gunned down'

Rejoice in that news.
Please stop this. You are as bad as Trump.
One protestor was apparently gunned down. A few have been arrested. Hopefully, many more will be also. But there are still questions to ask: there are videos, I've not seen yet, of law enforcement officers taking selfies with the protestors, even as they began to enter the Capitol.

At the very least, I'm sure we would all want a full enquiry about how the situation was allowed to get so out of hand. It seems amazing that the protestors were allowed into the building.
already been asked ( by me)
and on the box -

I also suggested that the capitol police wd be purged. nice libfa term. - for gross dereliction of duty

One nice lady ( o.i.c. something) said her proudest duty was to defend the first amendment right ( demo and free speech). and then (thought oops Biden is gonna be my boss soon)

and said it cd not be unexpected by reason of it being llicensed. for 5000.

and that was the difference with BLM - no licences ever

and so of course this legal march suddently and unexpectedly got out of control.

I am grateful for Roy for venturing out on an obviously bad day. where are TTT and the divine Naomi
keeping quiet until after the inauguration I dont doubt
( or tucked up in bed ;)
er not with each other
Calling it an attempted coup is ridiculously overblown. A bunch of fruitcakes, yes, but an attempted coup it was not.
Is it too much to ask that we can at least leave Chatterbank as a place of respite from the woes of the world?

You have News,Current Affairs or Politics for all this stuff.

Give us a break.
When the dust settles the actions of the police and security services must come in for some serious questioning.
2 things I noticed today/night watching the dreadful situation in Washington.
1) it would appear covid is absent in Washington.
2) I saw no black people .
When is the election ?
I saw plenty of masks, but no doubt they were for disguise rather than protection.
Jack, I’m not saying there were no masks, but I did see plenty without masks. Valid point you make though .
I agree with you Canary - TOTALLY!
I must concur. With the massive security available, how did they get into the Capitol?
-- answer removed --
True. Americans, particularly robbers in the Old West, have a long and proud tradition of mask-wearing.

I’m surprised the avenging mob in Washington didn’t wear hats which they could throw in the air when they ‘whooped’.
The Capitol Police are separate from the jurisdiction of the normal police, a de facto Beefeater team at the Tower, as such. They are there more for shuffling tourists around and overall protocol. They tried to allow the expression of the 1st Amendment but then had to act to defend the place.... This was mob behaviour not a revolution - and I agree with Biden about 'Democracy will not be damaged by this'. My fear last night was that we would see it spread like wildfire like BLM but it hasn't, thank goodness. The Potus has a lot to answer for and, frankly, they ought to enact the 23rd Amendment and have him removed for Pence to take over for 13 days.

Well done Twitter and Facebook for suspending Trump - and if he wants to use them, he has to remove his contentious material.

Please do not post political threads in ChatterBank. I have moved this thread into the category "News".
so you want them "gunned down" then canary?

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