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burly; just to clarify your position, do you really think that it's ok to carry on your usual habits regardless of the harm it might do to others?
Using an alternative coffee vendor might have Costa lot more.

Some say they're a pair of silly baristas. Not me though.
Lol douglas.
New judge
What presents more risk, driving five miles in car or walking five miles outside?

Probably driving 5 miles in a car in icy conditions.
What if they crashed and needed an ambulance, all for a cosy chat over a Costa. Pathetic behaviour in a pandemic and I’m glad they got the fines they did.
The police have a legal duty to carry out the rules and regulations of lockdown. No exceptions.
Exactly Andres in exactly the same way that we are all supposed to be staying at home and taking our exercise locally, without a pumpkin spiced latte in Ugg boots.
Yes, they were out of order.
In the first lockdown the roads were all but empty and people took it all very seriously.
We stopped taking our dog in the car a couple of miles to some grassy areas and instead walked him from our house, on pavements, because we were asked not to use cars because of the risk of road accidents. We’re now doing the same this time.
One mile, two miles, five miles, don’t do it.
I have no sympathy for these ladies.
//Probably driving 5 miles in a car in icy conditions.//

For heavens’ sake! If if if….

It wasn’t icy. If it was they probably would not have gone out at all but if they did they might have gone A over B on the pavement (or be run down by an out of control vehicle) and still needed medical help.

//The police have a legal duty to carry out the rules and regulations of lockdown. No exceptions.//

Indeed. So tell me where it says in the rules and regulations (i.e. the legislation) that you cannot travel beyond a certain distance to take the exercise you are allowed to take. Tell me where it says you cannot make that journey by car.

Since we are dealing with “no exceptions”, tell me why the police did not visit any of these people to ask them why they had gathered indoors in such numbers, contrary to what clearly is prohibited by law (I can point you to the relevant passage if you cannot find it):

Manchester City star breached lockdown rules with New Year's Eve party | GiveMeSport

Tottenham and West Ham footballers condemned for breaking Covid rules - LBC

They know who they are, they can easily contact them. So why were they not “surrounded by police”. I'll tell you why. The two ladies were deemed "easy meat." Slap a £200 fine on them, get it in the papers, all good publicity to show how tough the police can be to keep the great unwashed in their place. Do the same to the footballers (who actually have a far higher profile and more influence) and it could get messy. Their clubs may employ a decent QC to argue their case in Manchester Magistrates' Court. Even though there is a far stronger case against the footballers, nothing is done.

I'm not arguing whether what they did was sensible or unwise. I'm arguing whether it is contrary to the law. They have been asked to pay a £200 penalty or risk prosecution. That prosecution will be concerned with the law, not what is sensible or foolish.
NJ, the question was not 'are these women acting within the letter of the law?', but 'are these women out of order?'
We non-judges obviously have a different outlook from that of a judge who is only interested in whether or not there was a breach of the law. As I am sure you know.
Wasting your time on here NJ with the do-gooding doom mongers, never happy unless they are spouting off. God this site has got SO boring ...
burly, I think you've answered my question. I'll watch out for you next time I go out; you'll be the one who is blocking the pavement perhaps, nattering to your mate and coughing as I try to pass by in the gutter? I hope I've misjudged you.
Jesus wept.

Atheist at 6.24pm "...putting other humans' lives at risk". By going for a walk!!!

Andres at 6.39pm.

Vagus at 7pm.

Literally every single post of Stickybottle.

Get a grip for Christ's sake and actually think what you are saying; two women were out for a walk. That's all. They haven't broken any rule, law or guideline (you can't break a guideline, but as some people don't appear to know the difference between a rule and a guideline, I lumped the two together).

I cannot bear the weak and pathetic argument, that has been raised before, that an accident could occur thus tying up the emergency services. Err, isn't this what their job is and what our taxes pay for? But that aside, it's pretty bloody icy where I am at the moment, and I could step outside of my house, slip, injure myself and require an accident; will the permanently pious on this thread condemn me for this.

Some of you need to stop being so bloody ridiculous.
We went on a long walk the other day from are house in snow to a what's a popular beauty spot in summer and we thought it would be quiet. We were shocked at how many car's were struggling to drive there down a narrow country road which was very icy and made more difficult by cars parked all along. As we walked back after we saw a recovery truck trying to battle through to recover a broken down car . It all seemed irrisponsible to me. Its a nice spot but why drive there in such conditions
Some great stories tonight for sure.

Makes you think, don't it?
I wish I'd written that deskdiary. Nothing has made me more depressed during this pandemic than the anal views of some on AB and their need to express them as if from some ivory tower.
Desk... I know it always seems unfair when rules are put in place to protect public health and safety. It's always the case that 'I didn't do any harm, I was sensible. It's all the other idiots who are riskier than me who are to blame.'
It doesn't wash. As the medical officer said the other day, if you disregard the rules there will be blood on your hands. That is why the NHS workers feel ***d off at the thought of public clapping at the same time as the public carries on regardless.
//NJ, the question was not 'are these women acting within the letter of the law?', but 'are these women out of order?'//

Surely in this context it's one and the same. The government introduces legislation and if we break it we are out of order. If they want to restrict us further they should legislate for it. These restrictions are some of the most serious restrictions on the population's liberties most of us have ever seen. You cannot go outside your house without a reasonable excuse. How much more restrictive can it get than that? If you believe it is quite OK for the police to interpret such a law as they fancy you live in a different world to me.

Leaving the law aside, I do not think they were out of order. They made a trip in a car. Car journeys are permitted and present very little risk of disease spread. They took a walk in a very open area, they were not close together and there were few other people around. Once again, if you're happy to see police use heavy handed tactics to prevent such an activity, you live in a different place to me.

Any views on the footballers and whether they were out of order? After all, there can be no exceptions.
Prudie, I'm not in am ivory tower, I'm simply trying to protect myself and others. You know the nurses and doctors hate you with all the energy they've got left after a 16 hour shift (which is not much).
Yes the footballers were out of order. If theyd been reported at the time police might of got in involved and caught them in the act- I hope they would of.

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