Crosswords2 mins ago
Fake News From The Bbc
In a pathetic attempt to spread 'bad news' about what they consider to be the 'mistake of Brexit', the Beeb has been showing 4-month old pictures of hold-ups at the channel ports, hold-ups which at the time were in fact caused by the French.
https:/ /order- order.c om/2021 /01/08/ bbc-use s-old-p icture- to-hype -dover- ports-s tory/?u tm_sour ce=Guy+ Fawkes% 27+Blog +List&a mp;utm_ campaig n=ccb26 bb281-E MAIL_CA MPAIGN_ 2020_10 _20_02_ 09_COPY _01& ;utm_me dium=em ail& ;utm_te rm=0_54 7885726 c-ccb26 bb281-2 3000690 1
I think that you may have missed the real irony when only a day or so after Christmas this was said in an interview ... "" Traditional journalism has been playing catch-up in the disinformati on world. ‘News sources such as the BBC need to work harder than ever to expose fake news and separate fact from fiction,’ he said. ‘We need to take care that trusted news is...
11:21 Sat 09th Jan 2021
//The average person, 'the man on the Clapham omnibus' reading that headline & seeing that picture would assume (& the BBC wanted him to assume) that he was looking at facts, but he was looking, on both counts, at a fabrication.//
Then average from Clapham should read the article as well if he wants to learn the full story, otherwise he has absolutely no rationale for jumping up and down falsely crying "Fake news".
Then average from Clapham should read the article as well if he wants to learn the full story, otherwise he has absolutely no rationale for jumping up and down falsely crying "Fake news".
Well, you commented on the OP, but failed to address the fact that the OP is incorrect and the article did have a disclaimer that that was a stock footage photograph. I'd have liked to have seen you address that, as your responses tend to be insightful. Of course, you're under no responsibility to do that, it just would've been nice to see.
I would have thought it obvious that I don’t consider attributing an image to any source ‘a disclaimer’. Nothing less than an explanation constitutes a disclaimer. The excuses offered here are just games with words and intended to mislead .... a bit like the BBC have a habit of doing. In short I don’t believe the OP is incorrect. I trust that helps.