Yep, it's all fake news - we are doing much better than everyone else who are lying scum who hide their dead under the beds, in wardrobes and prop others up with a frozen smile when they run out of space to stash them in. WE are sooooo superior so all this statistical stuff is just smoke and mirrors.....even though we produce the numbers (we're just not as good at lying).
This has nothing to do with the fact that the long end of the list includes countries which know what they are doing, go about it more steadfastly with far better support/backing of a more sensible population. Anyone who suggests that is simply Anti-British. We are showing the world how great we are.
Only we report a death while Covid infected as a Covid death, they all put it down to multiple organ failure, that's why they die in intensive care while at least half of ours die at home. Then remember that we have excess death incidence while others have less total deaths than in an ordinary year. They also had higher retail figures over the holiday season than we, they are less depressed than we, etc., etc. - that's just the way luck as well as the anti-British are against us.
Had we copied the others from the outset we wouldn't be World Beating, so give us some credit. Oh, and don't forget we won all those wars.
Jeez, give me strength and maybe I would summon some admiration for the nation.