It begins. Remember it if you are young. It will barely affect the older people amongst us but will definitely shape and define the later stages of billions of lives. These lives will be the lives of people who come from generations of families that have democracy as it's base, duty and uncelebrated reward. It is now doomed to decline and to be replaced by a technocracy or worse a hegemony of self serving plutocrats. The one World control, predicted by the far sighted amongst us, became not only possible today but assured. We were treated to the live wall to wall coverage on tv of it. I can't remember that before, in what is a few days short of 73 years. The National Guard was there, 26,000 in number in Washington, which is more "soldiers" than were in Washington during the Civil War and more even than in 1968 when Martin Luther King was killed and rioters burned the City, killing 13 and injuring about 1,000. This is all being justified on the premise that Trump's "supporters" were going to spoil the show by creating a violent confrontation following last weeks "revolution" when a few dozen people of dubious intent walked into the White House unopposed by the law and order agencies that supposedly protect the constitution. Give over. I, of all the people who use this site, probably have more reason to celebrate the fall of America than most. I love Britain and am proud of my ancestors and their massive achievements. I have seethed for most of my adult life at the sometimes wicked and deliberately criminal actions of the Americans and their avowed intent to end British influence around the World and to destroy the Commonwealth. Instead I realise that what comes next is far, far, worse. For America firstly, and the rest of the free World ultimately. Meanwhile the Marxists and control freaks "celebrate" like hob goblins or children that have managed to make their first fire without adult supervision, after ignoring the warnings not to. It will be an all consuming fire in the end. The latest line on the lips of the propagandists is that the National Guard was necessary because of Trump. What if the Guard was called to duty, conveniently deprived of ammunition, and in place not to watch but be watched. Better to have them all together unarmed and under "orders" than armed and elsewhere? There will be no more centre ground politicians, there is no point any longer to stand with policies that the right and left can oppose. Trump did not invent the populist National "MAGA" movement. He just heard the voices and gave them an outlet, they have not all just gone away you know. The rallies not seen since the early 30s are imminent. Someone, somewhere, and not guaranteed to be your next bestie, wants control of the nukes.