Working out at a half a billion pounds per week , I'm sure that's the figure mentioned, no doubt Im open to be corrected on that ,
That's an awful lot of money with our economy shot right now
I wouldn't be surprised if some idiots didn't deliberately try to catch the virus so they could get a payment! Some people are totally blasé about this pandemic.
No we can't afford it - but that's not stopped this government from lavishing cash all over the place on other things so I don't see why this should be any different.
Some ministers are concerned that recipients of the dosh will trouser the monkey and still go to work. I can't imagine why they should think that.
Lcg, that's been said too, this is a totally crazy idea , I'm a supporter of the government but this is the oddest ever proposal and yes you'll get those that just see the £s and think ' I'll have some of that '
no we can't and even if they did it how does giving them a monkey make sure they do self isolate? Radio rental, just rack up the fines for transgressors, simples.
I say go for it. If you endorse all the actions of Bojo the Clown, then this is a good idea isn't it? More and more people will go for a test in the hope of a positve test result, hence, five hundred smackers! Kerching! He who dares, wins! :o)
This will be welcome for a few but much of this money will be wasted money in my opinion as fraudtsers will have afield day and many will see it a s extra cash and just carry on working still as they have nothing to lose , but there are lots of people (like Teacake but also politicians and charities, starving children campaigners) who are saying this is why T&T doesnt work because people cant afford to take time off.
Haven't read the details yet- hopefully theyll have to get a posative test result first or fraud will be to easy
Half a billion a week is simply "walking about money" in comparison to the dosh the government has spent in the last year. Your great grandkids - and theirs too - will be paying for this forevermore.
You're a bit late with that one Bobbi! The whole country will be picking up the bill for the next 75 years. Akin to the War Loan. But that's not our problem is it? That's in the future, so it's ok then.
A wonder whether people like premier league footballers or even poorer people like MPs will get it. Will it be automatic payment or do you after apply?
Am not sure who these people are who are feeling there forced to go into work when ill. Many work from home now. Surely most employers will pay you OSP.
Okay maybe SSP should be upped temporily for covid absence but that wouldnt affect so many. Shouldnt it just go to those who after rely on SSP???
Its not going to happen. Its just one of the ideas being discussed.
The main problem may be some of these sweatshops where people dont even get minimum wage (like the ones in Leicster), but this wont help as they may still be forced to work by there employers who will probably take a cut