with all the loss of life tragedy, and schools jobs etc are you proud to british
thinking were te first to be vaccined and invention, harks back to, again
british inventions leading the world...
"iv spoken to al ot of indians who said, india was better under british rule"
britsh rule was nearly 75 years ago - when did you speak to "a lot" of indians? (incidentally, there are 1,380,004,385 people in india according to google - would you say theones you have spoken to are statistically representative?)
We live and work in a beautiful place in the UK -there are some beautiful places and some nice people. I'm not denigrating the UK in anyway. I'm not proud to be british because I'm not British and I can't say I'm better off here because in my opinion we aren't.
bednobs, no we dont..britain has always been a trading nation before the eu, check your history...we can trade with the world, and not tied by the eu federalism, ie german franko rules, because thats what is really is...the little countries in the eu are crumbs to the germans
you really dont understand how it works, i digress..follow the money.
We need more money to pay for Covid effects, and the banking crisis, and food banks, and school laptops and and and and ......
So .....
Knock knock, then kick down door :-
''Ah Mr Billionaire, we need your money. We are taking it. Think of how much you are helping your fellow countrymen.
Thank you. Here's a receipt.
Got to run and catch Prince Charles before he goes out.''
jourdain -you are joking right? Ermmm......The 'Common Wealth' aka pinch foreign produce and enslave the inhabitants lol!
Calm down, loads tried it we just happened to be the best at it.
if i had done some of that inventing i might be proud i suppose. If however you are saying you are proud of an accident of your birth, then you may as well say you are also proud to be european - another accident of your birth
Hearing just now on the news about the EU's latest intentions on vaccines, I am proud be British and so glad to be out of the EU. The EU has proved now just what many of us knew!
And if you live in Britain and continually criticise it, why not move elsewhere!