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Mixing Covid Vaccines

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Apc2604 | 10:52 Thu 04th Feb 2021 | News
27 Answers

I thought this might happen in view of the Pfizer problems. OH and I had the Astravenica vaccine and have both decided we would rather not have our second jab with another type. What do others think? We have more faith in Astravenica to be honest, but I am not suggesting that we are right.


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4,000 mutations across the world, at the last count, according to the BBC news just now.
That should not be a great cause for concern in a few months.
At the moment it is because the virus is still widespread everywhere.
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That's ok ichkeria. Thanks for the apology. :-) post 11.13 applies to all aspects not just efficacy and I should have made that clear.
Trials are ongoing.
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To Woofie. I missed the 2018 flu vaccination altogether because of various spells in hospital. So 2019 was my first jab with the Sqalene. I was ill for ages and several doctors thought I was talking about flu symptoms. Eventually a different doctor recognised that my symptoms were a massive attack on my nervous system and delayed allergic shock. I had never had a bad reaction to the flu jab which I had got free from being in my 50s due to a lung problem. It is interesting that you had a worse reaction to the jab with Sqalene.
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That jab left me with a massive anxiety problem and I am still suffering from shaking episodes and other symptoms. Gradually improving though.
They seem to be looking for volunteers at the moment to try the different combinations... so at least now, it is choice to have different ones. I would imagine they won't trial it on the most vulnerable first.

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