I am absolutely against this. Grades will be biased. Exams are the only way for bias not be shown. I worked in schools for many years and teachers absolutely have their favourites and very often it's those studentsthat don't like school or the school system are misjudged and treated badly. Girls will benefit because they are generally more eager to please and are generally more inclined to produce good work. Not all teachers know their students well. As for headteachers having to approve the grades awarded, that is ridiculous. I am so cross for those students who will be denied examinations. One good thing is that very often bright kids do very well in their futures regardless of school performance because they think outside the box.
I know is a rant, but it's something I feel strongly about!
I'm baffled that (given the swift progress on vaccination) it's been necessary to abandon summer exams so soon - it's true that pupils will be less well prepared after a disrupted school year, but that can be allowed for when marks are moderated to give an approximation of historic grade bands. This could look a very silly decision come June/July if schools...
Apc I agree with you and as an ex secondary school teacher I thought about whether I'd welcome this move were I still doing it and no definitely not. Of course they have favourites plus the tendency and pressure to upgrade as it's playing with students' futures. I don't however know what the answer is, I feel very sorry for the current year groups.
ZM. I don't know. But I think last year's system was better and the initial results should have stood. Life can be hard and students have to learn to cope with disappointment. Those that are genuinely keen to get a good degree can find a way.
As a retired teacher and current A-level examiner (or would be if there were any exams to mark this year!) this is a joke and renders the results of this year even more laughable than last year.
Ideally an algorithm like last years but with more flexibility and scrutiny for obvious anomolies is the fairest way. But we saw the outcry last year so there no chance of d of e going for an algorithm again.
Even teachers grades will be challenged by some . but as they cant do exams what's the alternative
Pixie you say alt is decided by teachers anyway with exams as an extra. Can you give an example as that sound's nonsence to me and maybe your 10 year's out if date as Gove stopped what teacher assessment there was.
Maybe, bobbin. Myself and my children did GCSEs and part of the grades were coursework, marked by teachers. It may have changed recently, but my youngest is only 17.
Yes Pixie. OK for GCSEs, but certainly not for A levels. I'm very pleased that my son didn't have to go through this. He was nonchalant about school in his teens and disappointed with 6th form college, but fortunately obtained great exam results. I alsohad the pleasure of being a mentor to a group of students who were dissolutioned with school. A really good experience. (I was not a teacher).
Pixie can you list some of the subjects as am saying a thought coursework went out nearly 10 years ago so am not sure what subject's your youngest did - may be drama and some parts of art but not the core ones. Your list of subject's would be intersting to see.
I don't like it either but I sort of understand why they are doing it but also I'm curious. By exam time we'll be back to normal(ish) anyway so why can't they have the exams?
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