Meghan and Harry do Oprah and, what a surprise, the palace has hit back against Meghan - with a dossier that must have been compiled over many months. How very predictable from 'The Firm'.
As I understand it, it’s not the Palace that has revealed anything, it is individuals who used to work for Harry and Meghan who wanted to give another side to the story before the big interview.
This OP is misleading. As I understand it staff who worked for the couple in the UK have been relating their experiences. This has not come from the palace or ‘the firm’. As usual both are keeping schtum.
I can’t offer a link at the moment. I’m posting on a phone.
it does seem as though there is enmity on both sides, Meghan has been accused of bullying her staff, and two left according to last nights news. this must be causing such heartache for the Queen to see her family torn asunder.
quite frankly i am sick of the whole matter, i wish that Harry and Meghan would not give interviews and the Palace to remain resolutely silent but that doesn't look like its going to happen.
Agree with roo. There were allegations of bullying yonks ago so why has she waited until now to complain they are untrue? Very unusual for Royals' staff to say anything about their employment.