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Stripped Of Their Title?

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smurfchops | 12:08 Wed 10th Mar 2021 | News
197 Answers
Harry and Meghan. Yes or no?


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Yes, as, they have opted to leave their Royal duties, so they should also lose the privelege of any title. If you dont want the responsibility, dont expect the reward.
If they are stripped of the Sussex dukedom he will still be Prince Henry of Wales and she would be Princess Harry, as with Prince and Princess Michael of Kent. She'd love being Princess Harry I think!
And who hasn't asked for a wedding present to be returned after falling out with the bride and groom a few years down the line? Come on, we've all done it. Haven't we? :-/
"The Duke and Duchess of Windsor didn't have those titles taken from them."

No - they were given them!

H&M should lose theirs cos I don't believe in titles anyway.
Oh! yes.
They have left the Club.
Yes. They have been thoroughly disrespectful and don't deserve their titles. They will use their titles to improve their lifestyle and get more publicity and did in the USA. They wanted to live a normal life(ha ha) and so far have proved the opposite is true.
Yes, let them live the 'private' life they have craved for!
Never realised just how many 'snowflakes' there were an AB :-/
I don't recall George and Mrs Simpson creating any such problems after he abdicated and they left the country.
they weren't allowed to return i don't think???
Don’t care .
// Do you mean have they been stripped of their title, or should they be stripped of their title?//

cd be anything: this is AB ! - sozza for gobbledegook!

I think there is case law on this. Meghan getting it badly wrong on whether g-g-children of the monarch have a right to a title ( no).

and it all depends on the Letters Patent of 1917 ( saxe coburg gotha to windsor - and hey ! depriving the Hun descendants of Victoria of their um..... titles )

may be worth a re-read

Jowett ( later LC) certainly said no 1937 and then er maybe 1952
(LC for Abers is a big judgy person Lord Chancellor - who went around in c18 dress and a tricorn hat - er in 1952 as well as 1780)

so that doesnt settle whether they can ( poss )
now whether they should - - no I think not

Hey did any other ABer clock the irony of saying the Palace is treating the race card as private and yet it is obviously as public as could be...and
the young married couple with a babby and expecting another (another in the oven) who fled the searing London limelight and are craving privacy and directed solitude whilst striving to keep these matters under wraps

yes I did

^ That was to "should they be stripped of their titles?"
I understood that they wanted to be just Mr and Mrs Windsor, am I mistaken?
The award of a royal title is not contingent upon the performance of royal duties.
Edward and Wallis kept their titles.. why should Harry give up this one title.

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