Barrie, i agree that links are good manners but to dismiss a thread because the OP hasn't provided one isn't. The problem with some ABers is that they refuse to speak no evil, see no evil and hear no evil when it comes to the governing party and it's leader. I would suggest that there is more chance of a bit of dishonesty when handing out funds if the person you are...
As the article is over 5 months old Gulliver probably found it in the paper his chips were wrapped in. We all know Gulliver will not answer questions all he is good at is dishing out abuse and threads on his love interest ie Boris.
he wasn't PM when all this was all kicking off, but think he was Mayor - people care i guess because he is supposed to be accountable.
if he has indeed given money to this woman then that should be looked into
Think the £126,000 of Tax Payers Money from Boris, to silence her will seem like kids pocket money when she really sells this story to the Press. Unless of course Boris ups the figure with more Tax Payers money.
Considering at the start of this thread, Bobbisox and her Twin sister Emmie said "not worthy of an answer" and
" not worthy of a response. their answers still keep coming.
Correction, further down after Ken took issue with it, I said I’d happily debate your news item if you will reciprocate with an answer instead of skirting around and coming out with a abstract one?