TTT at 1.38pm "....and no one who voted remain will ever acknowledge it's working."
Err - I will!
I voted remain, and to this day can still remember as though it were yesterday flipping open my laptop the morning after the vote and saying "F Me - they've only gone and won".
I'm still not 100% convinced, but I am now questioning whether I was wrong, which has been brought about by the utterly disgraceful way the EU has behaved over the vaccines.
The UK vaccine roll-out is an undeniable success story, and even the most ardent remainers should surely concede this point (if they can't or won't, they're just being contrary for the sake of it), whereas the EU's has been an utter shambles, brought about by their insistence of bargaining, whereas the UK, now free to do what we want, negotiated early, secured deals early, and secured deals with deadlines. The shambles in the EU is due to their prevarication, and then they try to put hijack legally enforceable commercial contracts, which is an utter disgrace.