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Boris' Flat In No. 10

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Khandro | 08:47 Sun 25th Apr 2021 | News
127 Answers
Isn't Boris right when he says the general public don't give a toss about how it's re-furbished?
Isn't this the MSM (& Starmer) trying to make something out of nothing?


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truth will out, all a storm in a teacup.
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ken; It isn't his flat, why should it be paid for out of his pocket, & anyway, would you like to live in a place previously decorated to the taste of Theresa May?
how do we know whether Theresa May had the place redecorated?
many might just choose to live there with the previous inhabitants colour scheme. And not be fussed about it -
As i have already stated, Khandro, £30K ought to be enough to refurbish the residence. But apparently what Carrie wanted, Carrie got! And expected us taxpayers to foot the bill.
Dom was sitting quietly until idiot Boris decided to drag him into things. This is a shot across the bows to say pee off and leave me alone. He knows where bigger bodies than this are buried.
old etonians with their hands in the till

william funkmeyer was given the embassy ( ship ) of London on condition he rebuilt it - which he set to - wivviz wife and sorrta rebuilt the whole lot -1975

and then piled the whole fambly into a carriage to visit the queen. Ambassadors dont apparently
I’m part of the general public, and I couldn’t care any less if I tried about the refurbishment or how it was funded, so for me at least Boris is correct.
The acid test is whether you'd care if it was a politician you really detested ... say Corbyn or Sturgeon ... who was doing the same thing.
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I can't think of another country (except perhaps the USA) where the opposition & left-wing media would have the temerity to even think of raising an issue of such triviality.
Then you don't understand the issue. Dom does though.
done before
naughty Lord Cupid - - Tony Blair's Lord Chancellor, had his office expensively redecorated, and there was a lot of ya-ya at the time

Lord Irvine

in 1998, the Lord Chancellor's official residence in the Palace of Westminster was redecorated at a cost to the taxpayer of £650,000. Hand-printed wallpaper alone accounted for £59,000.[7] Much of the criticism devolved on Irvine, despite responsibility for the renovations lying with the House of Lords authorities rather than Irvine himself. Contractors working on the renovations were forced to sign the Official Secrets Act to avoid revelations

oo-er that the labour way to do it

and perhaps accounts for why we dont usually hear of it
// Dom was sitting quietly until idiot Boris decided to drag him into things. //
yeah I think he has a right to say - - it wasnt like that
YMB is right. I'm quite happy for the taxpayer to pay for it (within reason). I'm not happy for it to be done by private donors to the PM and his party; it puts them in a position to call in favours - and far too many of them have been getting favours, in the way of non-competitive tenders for contracts and big jobs they can't handle (eg Dido Harding).
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jno; The flat is the property of the nation, not whoever happens to be living there, but it's also a place where some of the world's top VIPs can be informally entertained (Maggie cooked meals for them even) & it represents Britain, it barely needs mentioning that it has to look very good don't you think?

Everything depends on the widespread tendency toward party/tribal bias - quite possibly the "general public" possesses such bias in sufficient quantity to either dismiss this/any issue either as irrelevant or of all-encompassing importance. Objectivity is at a premium.
Bet none of our Conservatives voted for Carrie?
Imo, our PM is being led by, er, something other than his brain.
That's just about bearable in a lovestruck teenager, not so much in the PM.
things I havent done:
visited a turkish brothel
smelt a tart's handkerchief
have I missed out?
smoked a joint, injected heroin, sborted white stuff....

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