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Is It Time To Finally Say That The Economy Is Now More Important Than Any Covid Deaths There Might Be?

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dave50 | 07:42 Tue 15th Jun 2021 | News
61 Answers
We can't go on like we are, time to face reality and accept that people die, a fact of life I'm afraid.


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Is half the country suffering from the Stockholm syndrome?
anyone seen sunk?
I’ve been working this afternoon.

40+ million already vaccinated, and the number of daily covid cases has quadrupled in a month.

Surely that is not the trajectory for easy lockdown .

Even the dumbest Prime Minister we have ever had, seems to have at last cottoned on to that.
I'd be far more interested in hospitalisation rates than case rates -- a more useful indicator of how serious the disease is. At the moment, they are rising slightly (c.15% increase on last week). At that rate for two months it would still "only" mean around 3,000-5,000 hospital patients, which, while still sad, would be dwarfed by any previous wave.

At the risk of sticking my neck out and making a prediction, I am going to say that, by the end of June, there will be a maximum of 2,000 Covid-related hospital cases (I'd expect closer to 1600); more to the point, if that's exceeded then it might be cause for concern.
Bout time we girded our loins, threw caution to the wind, and other assorted cliches, and got on our lives. Africa endures malaria.
I don't think that "enduring" malaria is something to be aspired to.
And (it’s been said before) the numbers of people dying “because of covid but not of covid”

The people who have missed annual scans, the people who have had treatments delayed.

There are other illnesses besides covid.

You may be right. But i think the extended time of restrictions will not make much difference because we have already got a lot of freedoms.
The UK has lots of millions of people so it can afford to allow another 129,000 people to die several times over and still have some left to spare.
// Africa endures malaria.//
as in large numbers of starving kiddies DDDDDIIIIIIIEEEEEE from malaria

this thread has a cheering positive "let us help the world and our families" ring to it - - innit
The definition of madness, to continue to do the same thing and expect a different result.
um no that is psychopathy actually

well Jacob Rees Mogg agree with you - presumably those who holler let em all DDDIIIIEEEE ! are from families who have been covid free
is Mushroom here
reading Mary Douglas on Risk and Culture

has a lot to say on rish and the percepton of risk ( and so whether it is accepted or not)
Just wondering They say everyone who works in care homes should get the jab Ok what of the people who can not take jab acause they are allergic to what’s in it ?
They will be granted an exemption.
So everyone can’t get it then .
There are very few conditions that make having the vaccine unsafe.
Thats right weecalf but a risk assessment would need to be done and those care home staff who cant be vaccinnated may after be given other duties away from close contact or tested daily and made to double mask or something like that
What if the people who can not take the jab are patients ?
Well sadly if they catch it theres a good chance they;ll die before they can spread it too much, but the answer will be some form of risk assessment would after be done and maybe extra measures like distancing, restrictions on movement, daily testing of all care staff and visiters as care Home wont want to be accused of being careless

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