A clever choice of venue - anywhere east of the former iron curtain and they'd have shot first and asked questions later - similarly for many of the more gung-ho western european countries.
For historical reasons the Germans now always ask many questions first and shoot with extreme reluctance (if at all) - it's cost them dear in the past (Munich Olympics) and could have done so again here.
A shockingly inept stunt which seems to have badly injured some innocent bystanders - I hope the perpetrator is jailed for a very long time.
Tora @15:50. Because the parachute had a huge Greenpeace logo on it, which they were well aware of, as the TV cameras followed him down from their arial shots.
Unlikely that they would've done that, bit if you start shooting anybody who does a stupid stunt like this because they might be a terrorist, where do you stop? Pitch invasion? Crack out the tommy guns. Streaker? Picked off from the stands.
Andy - I'm ignorant of German Criminal Law, as you probably are too?
But I'd guess that they could put together a raft of offences around the themes of Entering Controlled Airspace, Reckless Endangerment of Life, Causing Actual Bodily Harm etc etc.
If (saints preserve us) one of the people in hospital should die, would that still just be 'stupidity' and a slap on the wrist?
I don't know what the laws are in Germany but for contravening International Air Law in such a blatant manner I think a 50,000 Euro fine & 6 months in jail would be appropriate.
Mozz - unlike your other examples, he'd entered a controlled space without going through any security screening - he took a huge risk, screwed up, and got lucky with the meekness of the response.
I really don't want anyone shot - and am pleased that this ended without bloodshed - but I'd find it hard to have criticised 'assertive action' in this particular case, Mozz.
Dave, while I appreciate what you're saying, I think the shoot first attitude is completely unnecessary in this instance. He landed on the pitch, it would've been simple for police, armed or otherwise, to meet him upon landing. He wasn't going to get far was he?
I am all for Greenpeace but this was a stunt too far and endangered too many others as well as the parachutist
Hope they prosecute him to the letter of the law
Mozz:"Tora @15:50. Because the parachute had a huge Greenpeace logo on it, which they were well aware of, as the TV cameras followed him down from their arial shots." - getting desperate aren't we! So terrorists would never think of pretending to be what they are not! PMSL! Come on sunshine, own up, I'll go easy!
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